Page 15 - BWISC 60th Anniversary Display at RPSL, November 2014
P. 15
Frame 10


from the collection of Simon Goldblatt

A cover addressed to London and bearing the 1867 4d lake-red.

The pages selected belong to the 19th century, an era in which even the most ordinary used examples of the
issued stamps have always been elusive.

Notable items shown are:–

• A GB 6d used in Tortola and used 1d and 6d stamps which represent each ordinary

perf, shade and paper.

• Die and plate proofs of the 1866 1d together with two genuine compound perfs,

and an 1866 1d perf 15 all round.

• In proof form the evolution of the classic 4d and 6d stamps. The 4d strip of three was

printed by De La Rue.

A Plate proof of the 1s.

• Variants of the 1s used, including the 4d surcharge of 1888, which gave a fresh

outlet for 2,500 of the original higher value.

• A reconstruction of a sheet for the 1s black and rose-carmine on greyish paper (SG20).

• Archival material showing the link with other territories for which this DLR

Key type was supplied.

• Items of similar character, including an essay, and one can also compare at

bottom right a DLR plate proof with earlier Nissen & Parker examples. The 1s
appears three more times as a plate proof, one with a long-tailed ‘S’ and as part of
an improbable piece rated ‘1/1’.

The 1d imperf between • Two early covers of 1872 and 1873 to the same address.
stamp and margin.
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