Page 42 - BWISC 60th Anniversary Display at RPSL, November 2014
P. 42
Frames 37 & 38


from the collection of Peter McCann, RDP, FRPSL

The entire display follows the development of the Montserrat mail system starting as early as 1769, showing
the first postal markings in 1790, and then the rather unusual history of the Post Office within the complex
structure of the ‘Presidency’ of Montserrat and the entire Caribbean Leeward Islands Colony comprising
Montserrat, Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis, Dominica and the British Virgin Islands.

Entire to London showing the smaller ‘MT/SERRAT/DEC23 1801’ mark.

The display itself is organised as:–
Forerunners: Pre-Montserrat Postal Markings (1769 – 1790)
Period 1: Montserrat Post Office 1790 – 1903
Straight Line Handstamp (1790 – 1802)
Horseshoe Handstamp (1804 – 1809)
No Handstamps (1810 – 1836)
Circular Datestamps (1836 – 1873)
First Stamp Issues (1858 – 1889)
Leeward Islands Period (1890 – 1903)
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