Page 5 - Mick Bister - The Postcode Programmes of France
P. 5


                                 ALPHA-NUMERIC IDENT TRIALS

From September 1967 to March 1968 trials were conducted at the Paris-Brune sorting office to
test the feasibility of inked alpha-numeric idents printed on the front of the envelope to replace

uninked idents on the reverse. The trials were referred to as either essais de marquage humide
or essais de marques encrees.

                                                                                                                     Le Mans to Asnieres
                                                                                                                         29 March 1968


                      :Monsieur 'E. KOBI S      ~ ,,.

                      24, Rue de Colombos   c"t·
                      92. A~~~IERE2•

  ~~~~~--,----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                                  01

01 SOCIETE GENEMAT                                                                                              ~

                                                                               70, rue du ~enil

                                                                                               92 . ASf\!IERES

Toulouse to Asnieres
 20 November 1967

The trials proved successful and from 1969 the direct sorting equipment was duly modified. The
geometric symbol was replaced by an alpha-numeric ident with the letter identifying the sorting
machine and the number identifying each of the six operators.
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