Page 38 - Handout
P. 38
War against Russia 1788-1790 1790 Certificate of posting an “open” registered letter Vadstena - Helsingfors... the Sw. Royal Mail. Sender paid 9 skilling and the addressee paid 2 skilling. Notations in Sw.: “A letter of weight 1 lod (=13.29g.) addressed to the Major Gyllensköld at the Östgötha For “open” registration service the Cavalry in Helsingfors...of two Riks Specie No letter was to be left open to the post- the mail today...special registration master. He controlled the content. If (=open)...Wadstena Royal Post Office Aug. the letter was lost the sender received 22, 1790”. the value of content. 70-100 Mihl (748.19-1068.84 km) 4 skilling specie silver coins & Jan. 1, 1786 - Dec. 31, 1803 -1¼ lod (=16.6g.) 6 runstycken Fee for open registration 4 skilling specie silver coins & Jan. 1, 1786 - Jun. 8, 1795 6 runstycken Advice note to the addressee (Finland) 2 skilling specie silver coins Jan. 1, 1786 - Dec. 31, 1803 All fees except the normal postal rate were kept by the postmasters at each post office. uu St. Michel Finland uu (Sweden) Helsingfors uu Åbo uu SWEDEN uu Stockholm Hangö udd RUSSIA uu The letter route Baltic Vadstena Sea Sw. forces