Page 95 - Fenning_Scoland
P. 95
1706 Unpaid Letter from Aberdeen to Coupar Angus
From the early accounts of Coupar Angus Post Office, average receipts during the
winter were under £ 1 Scots per month. Therefore it is likely that less than 10 letters
would be delivered to Coupar Angus in a winter month.
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~71h February 1706. Letter from the Regent of King's College,
~berdeen to John Ogilvie, 'Baillie of the regalitie of Coupar in
r ngus' and postmaster of that town, via Dundee.
(!his is an example of a letter being carried between two
Scottish post offices without transiting through Edinburgh.
Rate: 2 shillings (Scots) unpaid, being the single rate for under 50
Scottish miles set by the 1695 Act of the Scottish Parliament.
~nterestingly, despite a post office having been established in
~oupar Angus, the letter is still directed 'to the care of the
f.ostmaster at Dundee', presumably because the Dundee
pttice made up the bag for the Coupar Angus runner.