Page 515 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 515

Jamaica: Air Mail

      First Services
                            First Inbound Mail from the North, By Pan American

                   Jamaica received an airmail service relatively late compared to several other Caribbean countries.
           Pan American Airways had been negotiating with the Jamaica Government to introduce the service throughout 1930.
             However, the Jamaican Government insisted that a British or Jamaican involvement in the contract was required.
                        Bahamas (8 July 1930) to Miami; Miami (3 Dec 1930) to Kingston (3 Dec 1930)

      This cover from the Bahamas was sent in July 1930, in anticipation of a contract being agreed, but was held in Miami awaiting finalisation.
                    The cover was eventually forwarded on 2/3 December on the first inbound southbound flight by Pan Am.
                            Outbound mail was contracted to Caribbean Airways, who sub-contracted to Pan Am.
                  Walker Air Port, Windsor (28 Nov 1930) via Miami (2 Dec 1930) to Kingston (3 Dec 1930)

                                    Internal Flight via New York to Miami, then FAM 5 to Kingston,
      A black cachet was usually applied to mail originating at Miami. A magenta cachet was usually applied at Miami to mail originating elsewhere.
                                          First Flight’ cachet applied at Kingston on reverse.
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