Page 531 - Jarvis & Wright: Jamaica Display to RPSL
P. 531

Jamaica: Air Mail

      Rates to the UK
                                                    All Air Services

                                        First Flight Jamaica (5 Sept 1946) via Bermuda

                         BSAA was formed in 1945 and initially flew converted Lancaster and York bombers.
                       On 5 Sept 1946 BSSA started to fly from Jamaica to London via Bermuda and the Azores.

                                                                                                            32 lbs 11oz
                                                                                                         of mail despatched
                                                                                                             to London
                                                                                                             and 24 oz
                                                                                                            to Bermuda.

                                                                                                          2s2d airmail rate
                                                                                                         applied 16 Oct 1939
                                                                                                           to 15 Jun 1947.

                                    First Flight UK (5 Sept 1946) via Bermuda to Jamaica

           From London on 4 Sep 1946,
           carried by BSAA Star Leader
      which crashed off the Gambia on 7 Sep.
      Item was salvaged, reposted and arrived
        at Half Way Tree, Jamaica on 9 Sep

        Only six recorded covers to Jamaica.

                             BSAA lost ‘Star Tiger’ in the Atlantic during 1948 under mysterious circumstances,
        followed by Star Ariel between Bermuda and Jamaica on 17 Jan 1949 and all other Avro Tudor planes were grounded for investigation.
                          The loss of the operational aircraft, coupled with the UK 1949 ‘Airways Corporation Act’
                                       forced BSAA to be absorbed into BOAC on 30 July 1949.
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