Page 122 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 122

'Raifway Station Postmarks

                      Terranwe{{ Station                        1Jouf3{e  Xing Cance{

                                                  THE  SENDER  MUST FILL IN THE PAYEE'S NAME  J A 3 3 5 2 2 7 /,  ~
                Ji 335227          NOT NEGOTIABLE  •   BEFORE  PARTING WITH THE ORDER.                I  (_
                                                                  •       0
                 COUN TERFOIL.
                T o  be detached and
                kept by the Sender.
                 The Postmuter General dou
               not  undart&ke  to  conaider any
               application reapecting  t.n
               which  hu  miscarried.  or  hu
               been  lott  or  destroyed,  unlea
               the  counterfoil  ii produced.
               Postal  '6d.  Order
                 To whom payable:-  ------- -:-:-;-;-:;:;--;;:-;----;--;-;--:;-o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--  - Post  Office
                                                  wllhin Three Calendar Month•
                                                  from  the la.t day of the month   Postage : Stamps
                                    ==~;;::::::::;;;;;= of /S$Ue.      not exc .. dlJlg two: in number or lid.
                                                   Por Rdulations-see back.   in total value may'.  be aJBxed in these
                                                             ,  but n oCi  ; al•ewhere.  to
                  At what Office:-                RECEIVED the sum due up a broken '.a.mount (excluding
                                                                       &n odd halt-penny):
               cros•ed   ----
               &ent   ___ _

                      Special commemorative 6d Postal Order issued to mark the Silver

                       Jubilee of King George Von the gth May 1935. This Postal Order
                       was cancelled on the First Day of Issue by the double ring cancel
                      PERRANWELL STATION/CORNWALL dated the 8th May 1935

                                              with index reversed C

                                 Known periods of use:  12.5.1930 to 8.5.1935
   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127