Page 202 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 202

'Rai{way Station Postmarks

                      Liveryoo{ Station                           Sin9{e 'Rin9 Cance{

                                     . '-' {, <:  '15~tiniCLY Tl a\.n.

                                           Tc  be. ~al1e,d 5or

                 :MESSRS. JAFFE &  SONS, LTD.,

                                          .  P.O.  Box  122,


                         Pre-addressed commercial cover to Manchester with the 7 d
                         Cheshire Lines Committee prepaid parcel stamp affixed and
                        cancelled by the single ring cancel LIVERPOOL/CENTRAL

                                  SlN C. LINES RY dated 6th October 1923

                                 Known periods of use: 5.1.1923 to 6.10.1923
   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207