Page 319 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 319

'Raifway Station Postmarlis

                       Cliis{e/iurst Station                       'Duy{ex Cance{

                                     UNION  POSTALE  UNIVERSELLE
                            POST  ClRD-GRE.A.T  BRIT.A.IN  & IR
                                    (GRANDE  BRETAGNE  ET  IRLANDE)
                               THE  ADDRESS  ONLY  TO  BE  WRITTEN  ON  THIS  SIDE.

                         THE  ANNEXED  CARO  IS  INTENDED
                             FOR  THE  ANSWER.
                        (LA CARTE Cl-JOINT£ EST DESTINEE
                              A LA  REPONSE.)

                         QV ld vermilion postal stationery postcard [reply portion]
                         addressed to Rouen, France and cancelled by_ the three-bar
                      duplex cancel CHISLEHURST/STATION OFFICE-DOS dated
                      5th June 1902 with time 9 .45pm. The card arrived at Rouen the

                                                 following day

                                Known period of use:  10.4.1893 to 11.1.1909
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