Page 378 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 378

'Rai{way Station Postmarks

                     Water{oo Station                         Sing{e Ring Cance{

             83  6 3 8 4 4 8                   THESENDERMUSTFILL IN, IN INK, THEPAYEE'S  83
             80                 NOT NEGOTIABLE.  NAME  BEFORE  PARTING  WITH  THE  ORDER.   80
              COUNTERFOIL.                      ·~ .   ~"'- ~-·   .g.~_.. ...  . ~,   •· . ..  . "":'"  ..;,.
             To be detached and                 1)1'.l1lSH POSTAL OJR.1D£h
             kept by the Sender.
                                                          70the1'ostmaskrCeneral    ·'.Jli\
              The Postmaster General does
             not undertake to consider any
            application respectinganOrder
             which  has  miscarried, or has     tke
             been  lost or destroyed, unless    sum
             the counterfoil is produced.
              Postal  I/· Order
              To whom  payable :-               a :.:t~---;;:~-;-~-;;-:-;---;;;;::::;;;;;;;=:::;;;;;;:========;;;;;;;;;;,;;--Posl Office
                                               within  Six  Calendar  Months
                                              /J  from  the last day of the month   Postagej Stamps
                                  .::_ ___ ___,  of issue.
                                                                    not exceeding  two~ in number ma.y  bo
                                                                    a.1!lxed  here  but;  not  elsewhere
                                                For Regu1a.tlons-see back,
                                                                     (i)  up to  5d.  for :orders np to 48.  6d.
               At what  Office :-
                                                RECEIVED the sum due   (ii) up to lld. tor ~orders above 411.  6d.
                                                          ; not pennisaible,
            crossed   ___ _
            Date l
            sentf ____ _
                                                                               P  'OT

                             GEO VI 1/- postal order cancelled by the single ring
                       WATERLOO STATIONB.O S.E.1dated14th June 1948 with
                         index E.  George King was a Gentleman who worked for the

                         Post Office and well-placed to get access to information not
                         necessarily available to the general public; the date on this
                         cancel was the 1  ooth anniversary of the opening of the Post
                                      Office on Waterloo Station in 1848

                                Known periods of use: 15.1.1938 to  12.6.1975
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