Page 391 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 391
Thi Bond Is issued under the tenns of the Prospectus rel a ting to Bonds of Series A.
The following particulars are for information only and shall not form part of the
conditions of purchase :-
I. This Bond is registered at the 4. On the death of the holder his
Premium Savings Bond Office, Lytham personal representative may obtain at a
St. Anne's, Lancashire, in the name of Savings Bank Post Office the appropriate
the holder who may apply for repayment form (S.B.4) to claim repayment of this
at any time by obtaining a form at a Bond.
Post Office or Bank and forwarding it to
the above address. 5. The maximum permissible holding of
this Series is 500 unit Bonds (purchase
2. This Bond first becomes eligible for a price £500). Bonds held in excess of
draw for prizes when it has been held for this number are ineligible for a draw.
six months beginning on the first day of
6. On changing name or permanent
the month following its purchase.
address the holder should immediately
Thereafter, subject to note 3, it will
notify the address givm t'.11 Note 1, quoting
remain eligible for subsequent draws
which will be held monthly. the serial 11111nbers of all Bonds held.
3. On repayment of the Bond or the 7. Leaflets giving fuller information,
death of the holder it will cease to be including details of prizes, may be
eligible for the draw held during the obtained at Post Offices, Banks and
following month or any subsequent month. National Savings Centres.