Page 96 - Pipe_Bill_GBRailwayStationCancellations
P. 96
'RaiCway Station Postmarks
London ~ridiJe Station Sing(e Ring Cance(
To be !N'Oduoed on dw•nd-NOT T RAN• .. • RABL •.
REMOVALS. • 311015
Any permanent change of address G R
must be promptly communicated to the
Head Postmaster of the district in RECEIVING • LICENCE.
which the station is situated. The
serial number and date of expiration
of the licence should be quoted in all , .. ::::~~~:~ .. :~~~~;;r..~~:~;~~-
cases. Notice of a temporary change
is not required.
RENEWALS. Mr . .... V:f t>te.e...~~ ...... .;//f-#.J .. g.~ .......... A../t.{.ff. ................................................. .
If it ia desired to continue to (Namejp toll i 11 be oihown in ~k:,~eUen-Su~e IM\.l. ,/ ';t!
maintain the station and/or work the
portable set after the date of expira- of··-~··· - .1.~,.~ ..... ~--~·-····~-~-~ ..... d.?.(.,,./.J. .. -ts hereby
(Ad~!:in! I
tion, a fresh Licence must be taken out
within fourteen days. Heavy penal- authorised (subject i all respects to the conditions set forth on the back) to establish a
ties are prescribed by the Wireless wireless station for the purpose of receiving messages in the premises occupied by the licensee
Telegraphy Act, 1904, on conviction
of the offence of establishing a wire- at ................. A L ~--·A./~-~································• and in addition to work
less station or installing 01· working one portable wireless receiving aet at any place in Great Britain, Northern Ireland,
wireless apparatus without the Post-
master-General's Licence. tho Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, for a period ending on the date shown above.
Tiie payment of tlle fee of ten e111mnge 11 henlly aokaowl1tlglld.
If power for tho working of the
wireless receiving station is taken from Dated.».: .. ~ay of ···········-h.IL~-····· 19.4..f! ..
a public electricity supply, whether
or not a battery eliminator is used, th!~~:~:::ate:~!n°efral } ................... ~ ... : .......... .
no direct connexion should be made for Poltmaster.
between the supply mnins and the
aerial. Signature of Licensee .............................. ., ................................................ .
A 10/- Wireless Receiving Licence issued to George King of Lewisham,
cancelled by the single ring cancel LONDON BRIDGE STN S RL Y
[LB&SC]/S.E.1dated22nd January 1930
Known periods of use: 4.11.1929 to 1.1.1932