Page 127 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 127

XXlll. The Norddeutscher Postbezirk                                          One Groschen border rate
                                                                                        Parcel letter to K0benhavn

                   24th March 1868, Entire letter sent from Hadersleben to Kolding in Denmark with
              Norddeutscher Postbezirk I Groschen stamp cancelled with Prussian eds HADERSLEBEN.
                                        On reverse arrival eds for KOLDING.

            The Postal agreement of August  1865 (Circular  I I/ 1865) introduced a border postal rate of I Y.  Schilling. This cover
               demonstrates the continuation of the agreement into the North German Postal District from  I" January 1868.

          0  2"d November 1868, Parcel letter from Flensburg to Kebenhavn endorsed franco. with !12, 2 x  I /3,
               I. 2 x 2 Groschen Norddeutscher Postbezirk, cancelled by Prussian single eds FLENSBURG.
           With red and white parcel label Rtti ljlettibttrg and on reverse CoUiet oplagt paa Kj~benhavns Tok/hod.

                                                       Denmark. Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion, Occupation and Postal Change: Page 127
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