Page 2 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 2
The structure is largely chronological but partly episodic to illustrate postal features of the period.
Note that eds is used throughout for 'circular date stamp' and the 0 symbol shows items of special interest.
Frame I.
I. The Danish post office - The Danish post office before 1864 in Hamburg, Kiel, Lubeck, the Duchy of
Slesvig, Rendsburg, Altona and Lauenburg. (3-8)
II. The end of the Danish post beyond the Monarchy - Death of Frederik VII, Commissioners from the
German Confederation, the military build-up late usage of Danish stamps, including a "last day cover". (9-16)
Frame 2.
Ill. The Danish field post office - All known Danish field post offices including the only known field post
office 3 with numeral canceller 224; post to soldiers, the rare canceller 230 from H0ruphav, the unique 22Sk
POW letter from Aarhus to Magdeburg, ( 17-30)
IV. The Fredericia Post Office during 1864 and its move to and from Strib on the island of Fyn. (31-32)
Frame 3.
V. The Austrian field post office - Letters to and from the Austrian Empire including Hungary, Italy and
Croatia, both known circular datestamps, money and registered mail, and all recorded marks, (33-38)
VI. The Prussian Feldpost-Relais (Offices 1-14) - All types of circular post marks for the static Prussian
field post office, especially those used during the occupation of Jutland. Most are scarce, and many are rare
with less than ten examples registered. (39-48)
Frame 4
VI. The Prussian Feldpost-Relais (Offices 17-28) - Covers showing these offices, including parcel letters,
two of the very scarce rectangular marks, and a letter addressed to Prussian post director Albinus. (49-56)
VII. The Prussian mobile field post used by the army in the field, all types, but one, are shown. (57-64)
Frame S
VIII. The Prussian field post head offices in Flensburg and Altona. (65)
IX. Illustrated mail - Hand drawn and pre-printed. (66-67)
X. Money letters supporting the war; sent free to Hamburg raising funds for the Schleswig cause. (68)
XI. Parcel letters to and from the war and redirected parcels. (69-72)
XII. The Royal Saxon field post - All recorded postal markings. (73-75)
XIII. Royal Hanoverian field post - Manuscript and hand struck markings. (76)
XIV. The telegraph service - Danish, Austrian and Prussian items sent within the Danish borders. (77-80)
Frame 6.
XV. The first armistice period - Local, foreign and mail to K0benhavn, Prisoners of war, and letters
delivered contrary to the rules (smuggled) after the end of the armistice. (81-84)
XVI. Redirected and rerouted mail - Diverted due to the occupation by Prussian and Austrian troops.
Unique letter sent via Sweden, rare civilian mail with Prussian markings, letters smuggled through enemy
lines, and items delivered by small boats. Only a handful of 'Via Kiel' handstamps are known. (85-96)
Frame 7
XVll. The second armistice period - Penalty postage levied by the Prussian military government of
Jutland, Thurn und Taxis Civil/Military cover to Jutland, Prussian carriage of civil mail, Danish carriage of civil
mail under Prussian direction and a rare 34Sk cover to London. (97-100)
XVlll. The Prussian post office in Ribe Prussian occupation and Danish postal administration. ( I 0 I)
XIX. New stamps for the Duchies - Continuation of Danish cancellers and date stamps into the Holstein
and Schleswig postal period. The Prussian straight line Herning mark is the only one recorded. The
introduction of the Prussian double eds canceller from 7th April 1864. Local, border and international rates
are shown. ( I 02-1 12)
Frame 8.
XIX. New stamps for the Duchies - Continuation of frame seven. (I 13-120)
XX The Danish post office - Mail to and from Schleswig. ( 121-122)
XXI. New stamps for Hamburg - Mail to and from Hamburg and Denmark. ( 123-124)
XXll. The Danish post office in Lubeck - Continued after the war until 30th April 1868 ( 125-1 26)
XXlll. The Norddeutscher Postbezirk took over mail in the Duchies from I •t January 1868. ( 127-128)
Detmork. SlesVl<J ood Holstelfl. Invasion. Occupation ood Postol Change: Poge 2