Page 64 - Chris King Denmark, Slesvig and Holstein: Invasion, Occupation, and Postal Change
P. 64

VII. The Prussian mobile field post          * K:PR:FELD-POST* ARMEE-COMMANDO. Sent to Hadersleben
                                                            * K:PR:FELD-POST* ARMEE-COMMANDO. Sent to Busum

                0  I 7d1  February 1864, Entire letter sent to Hadersleben datestamped with Prussian eds
                    *  K:PR:FELD-POST *  ARMEE-COMMANDO and with manuscript Militaria.
                      With Prussian Fieldmarshall Wrangel's seal and signed by the Austrian commander Gablenz.

            Sd't July  1864, Entire letter sent to Bosum from the high command in Apenrade datestamped with
           Prussian eds *  K:PR:FELD-POST *  ARMEE-COMMANDO, Danish Ant Ill RENDSBURG and
                                               with manuscript Milltaria.

                                                        Denmol'H, Slesvig and Holstein. Invasion. Occupation and Postal Change: Page 64
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