Page 113 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 113

Page 113
                                                                                                  19 Dec 1865 to 29 Dec 1865

                                                                                                 National Bank of Australasia London
                                                                                                 Oriental Bank Corp to  Galle, Ceylon
                                                                                                 National Bank Athlone
                                                                                                 British Linen Company 8 Dec 1865
                                                                                                 Oriental Bank Corp to Galle,Ceylon
                                                                                                 Book plate to D.D. Heath
                                                                                                 Barrow Haematite Steel Co
                                                                                                 Hum mil reis to QQQ Serie (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Hum mil reis to QQQ Serie  (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Chartered Mercantile Bank Hong Kong
                                                                                                 Hum mil reis to QQQ  Serie (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Oriental Bank Corp  Jaffna, Ceylon
                                                                                                 Bank of Australasia Melbourne
                                                                                                 Dois mil reis to Serie 20a  (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Dois mil reis to Serie 20a (Portugal / Brazil)
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