Page 146 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 146

Page 146
                                                                                                 16 January to 26 Jan 1867

                                                                                                 Centre strip dies Newfoundland
                                                                                                 Engraving Margin die 50 mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) notes
                                                                                                 Exchequer Bond £100 date & W. Dunbar
                                                                                                 Repairing (partially) small Tobacco Label
                                                                                                 Altering W. W. Brown & Co. Leeds £100 post Bill to Fourteen Days
                                                                                                 Altering Bank of Scotland £10 Note to 3 January 1867
                                                                                                 Altering Exchequer Bond £1000 dates & W. Dunbar
                                                                                                 Engraving Margin die for 500 mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Vignette Newfoundland
                                                                                                 Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Altering Exchequer Bond £200 dates W. Dunbar
                                                                                                 Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Provincial Ireland Fermoy Nenagh
                                                                                                 National Bank of Australasia On Demand double plate to The
                                                                                                    National Bank of Australasia
                                                                                                 Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Altering Exchequer Bond £500 dates & W. Dunbar
                                                                                                 Engraving centre die Cem mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Altering Bank of Scotland £20 & £100 to 3 January 1867
                                                                                                 Leeds Old Bank On Demand Bill
                                                                                                 Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 York City & County On Demand Bill
                                                                                                 Adding Date 2  April 1867 Union Bank of Scotland £1
                                                                                                 Drawing for Stamp 1  February 67
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