Page 172 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 172

Page 172
                                                                                                 1 Feb 1868 to 19 Feb 1868

                                                                                                 Dez mil reis 3a sorie 5a Estampa (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 87 Labels 1d postage plate 85
                                                                                                 13 Labels 1d postage plate 72
                                                                                                 Stamford Spalding & Boston Bill to On Demand
                                                                                                 The National Bank £1 Loughrea
                                                                                                 Leeds old Bk On Demand Bill to blank
                                                                                                 The National Bk £1 Waterford
                                                                                                 The North London Railway cheque
                                                                                                 S.Smith & Co. Derby Order Cheque
                                                                                                 York Union Bk On Demand Bill
                                                                                                 Dez onil reis (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Duzentos mil reis to 2a Serie (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Dez mil reis to 3a Serie (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Steel Bradford Bkg Co. Rec.t in place of worn out
                                                                                                 Duzentos mil reis 2a Serie (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Dois mil reis to Serie 36a (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 W.Wms. Brown Leeds order Cheque to blank
                                                                                                 Dois mil reis to Serie 36a (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Dez mil reis to 3a Serie (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Browns Leeds £100 post Bill to Fourteen days
                                                                                                 Bandon Distillery Bill
                                                                                                 Dois mil reis to Serie 36a (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Colonial Bank set of Bills to Demerara
                                                                                                 Oriental Bank Corporation Melbourne £1 to April 1868
                                                                                                 York City & County Cheque to Whitby
                                                                                                 Dois mil reis to Serie 36a (Portugal / Brazil)
                                                                                                 Die North of Scotland note
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