Page 182 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 182
Page 182
17 August to 18 September 1868
Bank of Scotland
Card Plate Lady Heath
Arms for Book plate Baron Heath (M.M.Holloway)
British Legation Tehran
British Legation Tehran
Argentine Bond
Brown & Company Leeds
Argentine Republic Bond
Hemel Hempstead Union Cheque
Union Bank of Scotland
Imported Cards Wrapper
Finishing Postage plate 1d. 125/140
National Scotland
W.W. Brown Leeds
Goodall’s Card Wrapper
Lancaster Banking Company Ulverston
Imported Card Wrapper
National Bank of Australasia
Stamford, Spalding & Boston
Bank of Scotland
Finishing Postage plate 1d. 127/142
Guernsey Commercial
Bank of Australasia Brisbane
Bank of Australasia Melbourne
Stamford, Spalding & Boston