Page 72 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 72

Page 72
                                                                                                 29 Aug 1864 to 9 Sep 1864

                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. Letters of Credit headings (Bank of British North
                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. Letter of Credit heading Royal Bank of Liverpool (Bank of
                                                                                                    British North America)
                                                                                                 Boston Bank
                                                                                                 Bank of Australasia set of Bills London branches
                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. Letter of Credit heading Manchester & Salford Bank
                                                                                                    (Bank of British North America)
                                                                                                 Die Northern Banking Company Comber
                                                                                                 British Linen Company September 1864
                                                                                                 Oriental Bank Corporation Taels Shanghai
                                                                                                 British Linen Company October 1864
                                                                                                 Bucks & Oxon Banbury London Agents
                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. On demand National Bank Union Bank of Manchester
                                                                                                    (Bank of British North America) West of England & South Wales
                                                                                                    District Bank
                                                                                                 Engraving New Zealand Postage die four pence
                                                                                                 Back National Bank of India Certificate
                                                                                                 Stamp The Provincial Banking Corporation Limited
                                                                                                 Robey & Company’s Perseverance Iron Works Lincoln & Lindsey
                                                                                                 Stamp The Provincial Banking Corporation Limited
                                                                                                 Northern Banking Company Comber
                                                                                                 Silver pass Ticket Lancaster & Carlisle Railway E. H. Satterthwaite Esq.
                                                                                                 Northern Banking Company
                                                                                                 Welland Railway Co. Bond
                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. On demand National Bank of Ireland (Bank of British
                                                                                                    North America)
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