Page 79 - PB_EngravingBook_1862-1868_136027
P. 79

Page 79
                                                                                                 1 Dec 1864 to 15 Dec 1864

                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. On Demand National Bank of Scotland (Bank of British
                                                                                                    North America)
                                                                                                 Finishing Government Stamp 30 on plate 2/6 Registration Fee Ireland
                                                                                                 Stamps National Bank of India
                                                                                                 Bank of Australasia set of Bills Adelaide
                                                                                                 Chartered Mercantile Bank of India back Japanese Yokohama
                                                                                                 Union Bank of Scotland 2 January 1865
                                                                                                 Manchester & Salford On demand Southport
                                                                                                 Finishing Government Stamp 30 on plate 8/ Registration Fee Ireland
                                                                                                 B. of B. N. A. Provincial Ireland Letter heading (Bank of British North
                                                                                                 Bank of Australia Interest Warrant Xmas
                                                                                                 Paraguay Dos Pesos
                                                                                                 Consolidated Bank On demand
                                                                                                 Bank of N. Zealand Bank of N. Zealand
                                                                                                 Finishing Government Stamp 30 on plate 2/ Registration Fee Ireland
                                                                                                 Die National Bank of India heading
                                                                                                 Provincial Ireland Limerick Carrick-on-Shannon
                                                                                                 National Bank of Scotland 11  November 1864
                                                                                                 Sir S. Scott’s Letter of Indication one place
                                                                                                 Card Plate Theresa Rowland
                                                                                                 Chartered Mercantile Bank of India Yokohama
                                                                                                 Finishing Government Stamp 30 on plate 1/ Registration Fee Ireland
                                                                                                 Lloyds & Co. Birmingham Bank
                                                                                                 Provincial Ireland Clonmel
                                                                                                 Paraguay Diez Pesos
                                                                                                 Lancaster Banking Company Lancaster
                                                                                                 Paraguay Cinco Pesos
                                                                                                 Bank of N. S. Wales Royal Bank of Scotland (Bank of New South
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