Page 60 - PB_EngravingBook_1875-1880_136029
P. 60
Page 60
7 Nov 1876 to 20 Nov 1876
National Bank waiting branches
National Bank waiting branches
National Bank waiting branches
British Linen Company 1 February 1877
Bank of Scotland 6 December 1876
Pair Facials British Linen Company British Linen Company
National Bank of New Zealand Christchurch
Denomination Die National Bank of Scotland
Bank of Madras branches Madras
Bank of Madras Sola Bill Madras
National Bank of Scotland plates 11 November 1876
Facial Australian Joint Stock Bank
Bank of Scotland 4 August 1876 oddments
National Bank plates waiting branches
Making 2 ONE facials No. 4
Cumberland Union Banking Company post bill blank
National Bank of Scotland Denominations Borders
Chartered M. Bank of India, London & China Colombo 1 January