Page 92 - PB_EngravingBook_1923-1935_136036
P. 92
Page 92
20 June 1930 to 8 July 1930
Stamp 15 centavos Bolivia map
Stamp 50 cents Bolivia centenary
Card Mr E Powell
P B & Co (Perkins Bacon & Company) Calendar
Stamp 35 cents Bolivia map
Stamp 45 cents Bolivia map
1cent Theatre Stamp Bolivia
2cent Theatre Stamp Bolivia
Address Qu’appelle Railway
Stamp 10 cents Bolivia bust Abaroa
Stamp 5c ents El Illimani
3 cents Theatre Stamp Bolivia
10 cents Theatre Stamp Bolivia
15 cents Theatre Stamp Bolivia
40 cents Theatre Stamp Bolivia
25 cents Theatre Stamp Bolivia
35 cents Theatre Stamp Bolivia
Provincial Bank of Ireland
Provincial Bank of Ireland