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The London Philatelist

                                             Donations                                 Donations
             Country or                                Country or
             Issuing Authority                recorded   Issuing Authority              recorded
                                              on pages                                  on pages
             Afghanistan                         1     New South Wales                     5
             Antigua                             1     New Zealand                         2
             Antioquia                           2     Nicaragua                           1
             Bahamas                             1     Nova Scotia                         1
             Barbados                            1     Nyassa Company                      1
             Bavaria                             1     Orange Free State                   2
             Bermuda                             1     Philippine Islands                  1
             Bolivia                             1     Porto Rico                          1
             British Bechuanaland                3     Prince Edward Island                2
             British Guiana                      2     Queensland                          7
             Canada                              3     Reunion                             1
             Cape of Good Hope                   2     Roman States                        1
             Ceylon                             18     Russia                              8
             Chili                               1     St Lucia                            1
             Colombia                            2     St Thomas, La Guaira & Porto Cabello  2
             Confederate States of America       2     St Vincent                          2
             Danubian Steam Navigation Co.       1     Salvador                            1
             Eritrea                             1     Selangor                            1
             Gambia                              1     Selangor                            1
             German Colonies                     2     Shanghai                            2
             Great Britain                      73     Siam                                2
             Hanover                             3     South African Republic              2
             Heligoland                          5     South Australia                     3
             Holkar                              1     Straits Settlements                 1
             India                               4     Sungei Ujong                        1
             Italy                               2     Switzerland                         1
             Japan                               3     Tasmania                            6
             Labuan                              1     Trinidad                            2
             Matabeleland                        1     Turks Island                        2
             Mauritius                           2     United States                       1
             Mexico                             44     United States Locals                1
             Natal                               2     Venezuela                           1
             New Brunswick                       2     Victoria                            5
             Newfoundland                        4     Virgin Islands                      2
             New South Wales                     5     Wenden                              1
             TOTAL                                                                        273

                                Table 5. Donations by Country or Issuing Authority

            129 – 342                                                                  September 2020
   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35