Page 11 - Greece - The Landscape Issues
P. 11

Greece: The Landscape Issues                                                                                                                5 Lepta - 1927

                         Printed on both sides, on gum side only & newspaper rate

          The 5 lepta stamp in  a block of six. The above is the reverse side (gum side) of the stamp
                                                                                                                                 .  J
          where the printing took place as if on the front side as well. It is believed that this only
                                                                                                                              IAIOKTHTHI:  -  AIEY0VNTHI:       =  Alrl()N 2
          happened on one sheet, thus limiting drastically the number of known samples. The
                                                                                                                       I  ~.  r.  KANE/\/\OTTOY /\O~            =€TO~ fl.  'tl
          above block of six is one of only two recorded so far and  represents the largest block                                                                          -·
          known with the variety. The image below shows the front side of the block.
                                                                                                                                     + DPDHN  KUABPYTON  JAi  AlrlAAflAl  :

                                                                                                                            .Mta  xoguqn'1  row  '"!f.Qaox.&v  't~c;  <EUdboc;,  ()o~aaaaa xal
                                                                                                                          <JX~QFLa.v Ka/,uBQutwv xal.  Aty1 aA!'ta;,  cl1;  'E:n:(a?w:n:o;  xai  ]
                                                                                                                          EX.  i;ljc;  :ltQOOXULQO'U  r.tut:·l]c;  ~Olijc;  xai.  ~l£tfon1 :iq;lo;  I( UQLO'\',  (
                                                                                                                         n1c;  ~ta;;  'I'Llto1'.l-w;  'A vaaraalou.
                                                                                                                            Mogqn1  f:lr~A.1.xw;;  UUaTYIQU,  :ltlOTE(J)c;  µEX,QLc;  aui:o{}uc;(a;  x
                                                                                                                         <TTEQllaew;,  tlax.11nxoc;  xal <p1 },civl'.1-Qwno;  6 ~tnwnac;  M 11-rQo:
                                                                                                                         m;.Q1i~ktyµa  de;  nl.;  £rrEQ;<oµ£vuc;,rl;.  fI0AuyQa<pc0l:ar1
                                                                                                                         iix.t  ~LOVOV OTUV  ~TO  EV  E\'EQyela,  cU),cl  X.flt  omv  cl:ltOT(
                                                                                                                         '1t6Cx1iatv  f.yQrupc:  Ex. ijQ'UHE  :n:uvwn:  el.;  IlELQmu  xa·
                                                                                                                           'Ecpah ETO  &::;  av  vu  EUQLO'X.ETO  ELc;   ~il(l\'  'U:1tEQUVitQW:1
                                                                                                                         f~11  au-ro;,  u.AA'  0  XQLO'ru;  EV  fo·ui;(il.
                                                                                                                           r£w111'tdc;  El.;  Ilvoyov  T~;  , A;tQfhai;  TO  1859  µ£  'tO  :
                                                                                                                         At YciQbo::;  a:n:o  :rrmbtx-l1c;  1jA.1.x(ac;  pH£!311  xai  E~lm'}llTE'UO'E  f
                                                                                                                         Tu~WQX,WV,  f.v1'}a  X.UQEt;  ~wvax.o;  wvoµda·1'l-11  TLµo1'.l-wc;.
                                                                                                                         J't,~tvcirrw" 'tij;  .rroA£oo;  ~we;  xal  forrou?>arrE  {}wA.oyl.av  de;
                                                                                                                         :~cp11µsQw.;  ;ml  :n:vrnµanxo;   'tll;  Br1mALx i1;  ol.x.oyevio(ac;   'l.
                                                                                                                         E~EAEy11 xal  E;(ELQO'W'l!ll1'}11  'E.rr(crxonn;  KaJ,aBQvtwv  x•lt  1
                                                                                                                           Toaai!'nJ  {it:0  11  ~QUO'L£  wu,  t~);  'EmCTxo:rrc11,  ocro''  '
                                                                                                                         rl1v  li'UYYQrtcp1'1"  n'rv  qJLAav1'tQ<•):itLal',  wat:E  E1'TO£  -rf1i;  l
                                                                                                                         vci  },:::x.1'}fi  urro  arrouba i:ov  1tOAI TL'X.IJV  3tQOO'(O:rtOV   on  av   I
                                                                                                                         Ji.~;  CEAA.<rnoc;  :oto:yd~ono  1tf.  t:~v  {}EJ,11crtv  ;taL  TO\'  ih•lh1 ·
                                                                                                                         I' \'1JO'TO'U  Tt~lO l'.1-tO'U  1CJ   xat:UJTaO'Lc;  nu\'  c El,A. ilwov  XQLO'TLfi'
                                                                                                                     lflX1~Cly  16' )  ' T:i" r;..,..:i J~.'·1"'~ ·-· ;-·L....., ~ -!  • ~ ~ - . .  .  --- ' .. '   .  .   -  ~

                                                                                                      The five lepta stamp on a newspaper, ca ncelled at Aegion in the

                                                                                                      Peloponnese on 2 August 1936, two days before the Metaxas dictatorship
                                                                                                      sent to Rododaphne, paying the newspaper rate at the time. This was the
                                                                                                      intended rate for the 1 lepton stamp that was never used.
                 A block of eighteen stamps from the left side of the sheet, showing the

                 only recorded example ofthe st amp being printed on the gum side ONLY.
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