Page 11 - Greece - The Landscape Issues
P. 11
Greece: The Landscape Issues 5 Lepta - 1927
Printed on both sides, on gum side only & newspaper rate
The 5 lepta stamp in a block of six. The above is the reverse side (gum side) of the stamp
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where the printing took place as if on the front side as well. It is believed that this only
happened on one sheet, thus limiting drastically the number of known samples. The
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above block of six is one of only two recorded so far and represents the largest block -·
known with the variety. The image below shows the front side of the block.
.Mta xoguqn'1 row '"!f.Qaox.&v 't~c; <EUdboc;, ()o~aaaaa xal
<JX~QFLa.v Ka/,uBQutwv xal. Aty1 aA!'ta;, cl1; 'E:n:(a?w:n:o; xai ]
EX. i;ljc; :ltQOOXULQO'U r.tut:·l]c; ~Olijc; xai. ~l£tfon1 :iq;lo; I( UQLO'\', (
n1c; ~ta;; 'I'Llto1'.l-w; 'A vaaraalou.
Mogqn1 f:lr~A.1.xw;; UUaTYIQU, :ltlOTE(J)c; µEX,QLc; aui:o{}uc;(a; x
<TTEQllaew;, tlax.11nxoc; xal <p1 },civl'.1-Qwno; 6 ~tnwnac; M 11-rQo:
m;.Q1i~ktyµa de; nl.; £rrEQ;<oµ£vuc;,rl;. fI0AuyQa<pc0l:ar1
iix.t ~LOVOV OTUV ~TO EV E\'EQyela, cU),cl X.flt omv cl:ltOT(
'1t6Cx1iatv f.yQrupc: Ex. ijQ'UHE :n:uvwn: el.; IlELQmu xa·
'Ecpah ETO &::; av vu EUQLO'X.ETO ELc; ~il(l\' 'U:1tEQUVitQW:1
f~11 au-ro;, u.AA' 0 XQLO'ru; EV fo·ui;(il.
r£w111'tdc; El.; Ilvoyov T~; , A;tQfhai; TO 1859 µ£ 'tO :
At YciQbo::; a:n:o :rrmbtx-l1c; 1jA.1.x(ac; pH£!311 xai E~lm'}llTE'UO'E f
Tu~WQX,WV, f.v1'}a X.UQEt; ~wvax.o; wvoµda·1'l-11 TLµo1'.l-wc;.
J't,~tvcirrw" 'tij; .rroA£oo; ~we; xal forrou?>arrE {}wA.oyl.av de;
:~cp11µsQw.; ;ml :n:vrnµanxo; 'tll; Br1mALx i1; ol.x.oyevio(ac; 'l.
E~EAEy11 xal E;(ELQO'W'l!ll1'}11 'E.rr(crxonn; KaJ,aBQvtwv x•lt 1
Toaai!'nJ {it:0 11 ~QUO'L£ wu, t~); 'EmCTxo:rrc11, ocro'' '
rl1v li'UYYQrtcp1'1" n'rv qJLAav1'tQ<•):itLal', wat:E E1'TO£ -rf1i; l
vci },:::x.1'}fi urro arrouba i:ov 1tOAI TL'X.IJV 3tQOO'(O:rtOV on av I
Ji.~; CEAA.<rnoc; :oto:yd~ono 1tf. t:~v {}EJ,11crtv ;taL TO\' ih•lh1 ·
I' \'1JO'TO'U Tt~lO l'.1-tO'U 1CJ xat:UJTaO'Lc; nu\' c El,A. ilwov XQLO'TLfi'
lflX1~Cly 16' ) ' T:i" r;..,..:i J~.'·1"'~ ·-· ;-·L....., ~ -! • ~ ~ - . . . --- ' .. ' . . - ~
The five lepta stamp on a newspaper, ca ncelled at Aegion in the
Peloponnese on 2 August 1936, two days before the Metaxas dictatorship
sent to Rododaphne, paying the newspaper rate at the time. This was the
intended rate for the 1 lepton stamp that was never used.
A block of eighteen stamps from the left side of the sheet, showing the
only recorded example ofthe st amp being printed on the gum side ONLY.