Page 13 - Spanish Andorra
P. 13


                                                   Provisional  Cancel  (Type 2)

                                                        January  1960

                                                               a                            a

                                IMPRESOS  PER  A  LA  INDUSTRIA                      EL  COMER<;

                                                      ENCAMP  (Andorra)

                                                                     Sr .  I\i  nel  INGLA.
                                                                     Credit  Jmdorr~

                                                                     Andorr~ l a  Vella

                                    Mail to addresses within Andorra was sent post free in  1960

                                  In early October 1959, the Post Office datestamps were withdrawn
                                for alterations and were not returned to Andorra until end of February

                                  During  this short period of absence provisional handstamps were
                                 created. 4 different types are recorded for ENCAMP. The first was a
                                    manuscript type. The second type (above) was a straight line
                                              handstamp in black just showing the date.
                                                      Few examples recorded
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