Page 2 - GPN RPSL brochure
P. 2

Sir Daniel Cooper (1821 – 1902)  The first member resident outside   Presented to celebrate 150 years   Miss Adelaide Fenton (1824 – 1897)
                                      the UK was from South Africa  as a philatelic publisher

        10  April 1869                       1869                                 6th December 1873
        The foundation meeting of the Society   Frederick Jeppe of South Africa, first   Miss Adelaide Fenton became the
        was held at the office of Mr. John   member resident outside the United   first female visitor to attend a meet-
        Wilson at 93 Great Russell Street,   Kingdom, is elected. Currently the   ing, and she presented a paper on
        Bloomsbury W.C. The Society is today   Society has over 2,300 members of   The Secret Marks on the Stamps of
        the world’s oldest philatelic Society.  which 2/3 resides outside the United   Peru. The paper was later published
                                             Kingdom, all over the world.         in The Stamp Collector’s Magazine in
        1869 – 1878                                                               January 1874. Miss Fenton went on
        Sir Daniel Cooper was elected the    15th January 1873                    to write many capable and lucid arti-
        first President. The current President   The first publication was Oblitera-  cles under her pen-names of Fento-
        is Mike J Y Roberts FRPSL, elected for   tion marks. Mata Sellos, on Spanish   nia and Herbert Camoens. Today the
        two years 2023 – 2025. After serving   Stamps. Recently (2023) the Society   Society is the most international phil-
        for two years the President becomes   celebrated its sesquicentennial anni-  atelic society in the world.
        a Past President for life, a very pres-  versary as the most prominent phila-
        tigious and prominent position for a   telic publisher in the world. A special
        philatelist.                         publication was made for the occa-
                                             sion: The World’s First Official Stamps
                                             – Spain 1854 – 1866.
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