Page 6 - GPN RPSL brochure
P. 6

15 Abchurch Lane, London                  H.M. Queen Elizabeth II visited the Society a second time in 2019

        6th September 2018                                                        30th November 2019
        The City of London Planning Depart-  are welcome to our Club House at     Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II visited
        ment granted “Change of use from     15 Abchurch Lane, in the City of     the Society for the second time, when
        private members club to use by The   London, during opening hours.        the new premises were opened at
        Royal Philatelic Society London,                                          15 Abchurch Lane.
        including for members‘ meeting hall,   29th May to 2nd June 2019
        offices, museum and library, storage   The International Celebration of   29th September 2023
        and research space, multi-function   the 150  Anniversary of The Royal    The Society entered into an exhibition
        rooms for auctions, conferences, lec-  Philatelic Society London  took    partnership with The Global Philatel-
        tures and other events (sui generis),   place in Stockholm, Sweden, as    ic Network, aimed at benefiting from
        and associated external alterations   STOCKHOLMIA 2019. 7,832 mem-        each other's strengths and fostering
        including removal and replacement    bers, guests, and visitors, from 51 dif-  the growth of the philatelic hobby
        of roof top plant, new plant screen   ferent countries came to Stockholm   worldwide.
        at the rear, facade cleaning and     for the event. The celebration was
        other facade repairs, partial replace-  also the beginning of an 'exhibition
        ment glazing, modifications to the   partnership' between the Society
        main entrance and front step; and    and The Global Philatelic Network.
        other associated works in connec-
        tion with the new use.” All members
                                                                                     The John Sacher Library at 15 Abchurch Lane
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