Page 9 - GPN RPSL brochure
P. 9

We have synergies

        1 + 1 = 3

        The sole aim is to consistently conduct
        philatelic auctions across the five
        independent companies, whilst following
        traditional auction concepts.

        The Royal Philatelic Society London                     The Global Philatelic Network
        1. We are in London in a wonderful building,            1. We are in New York, Amsterdam, Zürich, Wiesbaden,
        and we welcome visitors.                                and Hong Kong, and we welcome collectors, buyers, and
        2. For more than 150 years, the Society has led the way   vendors.
        in bringing together like-minded collectors of stamps,   2. Our companies collectively have more than 400 years
        postal history, other philatelic material.              of experience, specialising in stamps, postal history, and
        3. Our primary activities include meetings,             other material for auctions.
        expertising, and publishing.                            3. Our primary activities involve live auctions, wherein we
        4. We maintain a library and museum, linked to the      meticulously prepare, design, and print physical cata-
        Global Philatelic Library, to better serve international   logues, for distribution worldwide.
        philately.                                              4. We acknowledge the significance of every single item.
        5. The Society takes pride in preserving the essence of   If its importance is enhanced by its provenance, we
        philately and developing our approach to it.            undertake thorough research to locate the necessary
                                                                information and ensure that the philatelic pedigree is

                                                                5. Our companies take pride in transparent business exe-
        H M King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden meets with managing
        directors Dieter Michelson and Karl Louis at the Global Philatelic   cution, to achieve the utmost satisfaction for our vendors
        Network stand at STOCKHOLMIA 2019                       and buyers.
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