Page 111 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 111


          -- 5 5 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, October 24, 1755)

              Whereas a Number of Pacquet Boats are provided and established, at Falmouth, for  carrying on a regular Monthly
          Correspondence between these Kingdoms and His Majesty's Islands in the West-Indies; and also to and from the several
          Colonies on the Continent of North-America;
              Public Notice is hereby given to all Merchants, and others, whom it may concern, That Letters and Packets for  the
          said Islands, and Colonies on the Continent of North-America, will be taken in and received, at this Office, from the Date
          hereof, upon their being paid for, after the Rates, settled by Act of Parliament, as undermentioned, viz.

          From  London  to  the  Islands  of  Barbadoes,  Antegoa,  Montserrat,  Nevis,  •••••••••••••••  for  a  Single  Letter   1s.  6d.
             St.  Christophers  and  Jamaica,                                           a  Double  Letter   3s.  Od.
                                                                                        a  Treble  Letter   4s.  6d.
                                                                                        an  Ounce  Letter   6s.  Od.
          From  London  to  New-York,  New-England,  Virginia,  Maryland,  •••••••••••••••••••••••••  for  a  Single  Letter   1s.  Od.
             and  all  the  other  Colonies  on  the  Continent  of  North  America,    a  Double  Letter   2s.  Od.
                                                                                        a  Treble  Letter   3s.  Od.
                                                                                        an  Ounce  Letter   4s.  Od.
              The first Mail of Letters, for  the several Islands in the West-Indies, will be made up, and dispatched from this Office,
          upon Saturday the 8th Day of November next, and be continued on the First Saturday of every Month following.
              The first Mail of Letters, by the way of New-York, for the several Colonies on the Continent of North-America, will
          be made up and dispatched from this Office, upon the 15th of the said Month of November next, and so be continued on
          the Second Saturday of every Month throughout the Year.
               The full Postage of the above Letters and Packets must be paid at the Time of their Delivery into this Office, or at the
          Receiving Houses in Town; And all such as are put into the several Post-Houses in Great Britain and Ireland, must, over
          and above the said Rates, pay also the full Inland Postage to London, without which they cannot be forwarded from hence.
                                                                             GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

          -- 5 6 0 1  NEWS  (General Post Office, April 5, 1756)

              Public Notice is hereby given, that the Pacquet Boat hitherto imployed between Port Mahon and Marseilles, will, for
          the future, be stationed between Port Mahon and Leghorn; and that all Letters for His Majesty's Island of Minorca will be
          forwarded by Way of Leghorn, upon paying the Foreign Postage at this Office, of One Shilling for every single Letter, and
          for Double, Treble, and Ounce Letters in Proportion.
                                                                             GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

          -- 5 6 0 2  NEWS  (General Post Office, May 17, 1756)

              Publick  Notice  is  hereby  given,  That  all  Correspondence  whatsoever,  by  Letters  or  otherwise,  between  these
          Kingdoms and France, is now entirely at an End; and that no more Mails will be forwarded from this Office, nor will any
          more Packet Boats be suffered to sail from Dover to Calais, till His Majesty's Pleasure shall be further known.
                                                                             GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

          -- 5 6 0 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, May 21, 1756)

              Publick Notice is hereby given, That the Correspondence between these Kingdoms and France being now at an End,
          the Letters for all Parts of the Continent, except to France, will be forwarded from this Office every Tuesday and Friday, by
          the Way of Holland and Flanders; and that Letters for Spain and Portugal will be forwarded from hence,  as usual, every
          Tuesday to Corunna and Lisbon, by the Falmouth Pacquet Boats.
                                                                             GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

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