Page 106 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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                                       NOTICES  FOR  THE  YEARS  1750-1759

            -- 5OO1  NEWS  (General Post-Office, January 30, 1750)  {Julian Calendar. January 30, 1749}

                Publick Notice is hereby given, That the Correspondence, by Letters, between these Kingdoms and the Kingdom of
            Spain, is now opened by the Means of Pacquet Boats, between Falmouth and the Groyne, and that the first Mail for Spain
            will be forwarded from this Office upon Tuesday the 20th Day of the next Month of February, and will continue, for the
            Future, to go out from hence upon the Tuesday of every Fortnight, as usual heretofore in former Times of Peace.
                                                                              GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

            -- 5 0 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 23, 1750)

                These are to give Notice, that the Post will go every Night,  (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge Wells, and
            from  Tunbridge Wells  to London,  and will begin  on Monday next the 25th Instant,  and continue so to  do  during the
            Summer Season, as usual.
                                                                              GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

            --5101  NEWS  (General Post Office, April 19, 1751)

                Whereas the Post-Boy bringing the Cirencester Mail to this Office, was Yesterday Morning, between Two and Three
            of the Clock, on Gerrard's Cross Common, between Wickham and Uxbridge, attacked and robbed by a single Highwayman,
            mounted on a Bay Mare, who carried off the said Mail, which contained the following Bags of Letters, viz.
                   Bristol,                 Oxford,                  Birmingham,              Wickham,
                   Exeter,                  Burford,                 Wolverhampton,            Beconsfield,
                   Tiverton,                Witney,                  Woodstock,                Gerrard's  Cross,
                   Taunton,                 Chi ppi ng-norton,       Bath,                    Abingdon,  and
                   Wet l ington,            Campden,                 Cirencester,              Farringdon.
                   Bridgewater,             Evesham,                 Gloucester,
                   Wet ls,                  Worcester,               Thame,
                The Person who  committed this Robbery, was a tall lusty Man, about Six Feet high,  and had on a  dark blue Great
            Coat, and a black Wig, and rode on a tall Bay Mare, with a black Tail, and a Blaze in her Forehead.
                This therefore is to give Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted,
            the Person who committed this Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and above the Reward
            given by Act of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen: Or if any Person or Persons, whether Accomplice in the said
            Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make Discovery, whereby the Person, who committed the same, may be apprehended
            and brought to Justice, such Discoverer or Discoverers will, upon Conviction of the Party, be intitled to the same Reward of
            Two Hundred Pounds, and also have His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                              GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.
                Note of the Editor: in the May 20-23 issue of The London Gazette, the robber is described as follows:
                The Person who committed this Robbery, was a tall lusty black Man, about Six Feet high, between Forty ands Fifty
            Years of Age, marked with the Small Pox,  and had on a blue Surtout or Horseman's Coat, and under it a  dark coloured
            one, with white Metal Buttons, and wore a black or dark coloured Wig, and rode upon a large Brown Bay Horse or Mare,
            Fifteen Hands high, with a bald Face, and a dark black Mane, the Tail lately docked and nicked, the Wounds not healed.

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