Page 105 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 105


          -- 4 9 0 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 21, 1749)

              Whereas  Thomas  Munns,  one  of the  two  Foot-Pads  charged with  the  Robbery  of the  Yannouth  Mail Yesterday
          Morning,  between  Ingatestone  and  Rumford,  near  a  Place  called  Puddle's  Bridge;  was  last  Night  apprehended  and
          committed to Newgate,  and the other, whose Name is unknown, is not yet taken: This is to give Notice, That a Reward of
          Two Hundred Pounds is hereby offered, for the taking or apprehending of the other Person concerned in the said Robbery,
          so that he be convicted thereof: He is described to be a young Man of about twenty five Years of Age, five Feet seven or
          eight Inches high, pretty well set,  of a dark ruddy Complexion, a high Forehead, and had on Yesterday a blue grey Coat,
          and a dark or brown Wig.
              N. B.  This Person is said, of late, to have lived or lodged at an Alehouse, at one of the Thomdon's or Homdon's, near
          Brentwood in Essex.
                                                                             GEORGE SHELVOC:KE, Secretary.

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