Page 100 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 100


                This is therefore to give Notice, That whatever Person or Persons shall apprehend the said Gabriel Tomkins,  so that
            he be  brought to  Justice,  will be intitled to  a  Reward  of Two  Hundred Pounds,  on the  Conviction  of the  said  Gabriel
            Tomkins  over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament for  the apprehending of Highwaymen. The same Reward
            and Encouragement is offer'd to any who may have been Accomplices in the said Robbery, who will moreover be intitled to
            His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                               GEORGE SHEL VOCKE, Secretary.
                N.  B.  A  suitable  Reward  is  hereby offered,  and will  be  given  to  any Person or Persons,  who  shall  apprehend a
            Woman, who goes or has gone by the several Names of Anne Hocks, alias Hawkswell,  alias Mathews. She is  a Person of
            between Thirty and Forty Years of Age, of a fair Complexion, and about Five Foot Six Inches high, somewhat pitted with
            the Small-Pox,  and has  the Letters A. H.  prick'd in  upon one  of her  Hands with  Indian Ink  or Gun  powder,  and  it is
            supposed she does now, or has lately accompanied Gabriel Tomkins above described.

            -- 4 6 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, September 1, 1746)

                Whereas certain Information has been made, upon Oath, before one of his  Majesty's Justices of the Peace, that the
            Chester Mail,  of the 2d of July last,  was  robbed by a  Person who  goes,  or has gone by the several  Names of GABRIEL
            TOMKINS,  alias YOUNG  GIBB,  alias KIT  JERVIS,  alias  CHRISTOPHER WOOD,  alias UNKLE,  alias RAWLINS,  who has been
            formerly a Smugler, and was  some Years since  employed as a Riding Surveyor in the Service of the Customs, and some
            Years ago lived at the Town of Dartford, in the County of Kent: He is a Man of between Forty and Fifty Years of Age, of a
            very swarthy Complexion, somewhat marked with the Small Pox,  about Five Foot Nine or Ten Inches high, is  a very well
            made Man, walks very upright, with large dark Eye-brows, which hang over his Eyes, and has formerly received a Wound in
            his Left Arm with a Pistol or Musquet Bullet, of which some Mark or Appearance is left.
                By Intelligence  received,  since  the first  Printing of this Advertisement,  the above  described Gabriel  Tomkins  has  a
            small Wart  or Wen  at the Corner of one of his Eye-brows, next to his Nose, and is said to appear in a shabby brown duffel
            Coat, much pieced and torn, and trimmed with white metal Buttons,  a deep blue Waistcoat,  and an old light or lightish  Wig
            turned Yellow with the Wearing.
                This is therefore to give Notice, That whatever Person or Persons shall apprehend the said Gabriel Tomkins,  so that
            he be  brought  to Justice,  will  be intitled  to  a  Reward  of Two  Hundred Pounds  on  the  Conviction  of the  said  Gabriel
            Tomkins  over and above what is  allowed by Act of Parliament for the apprehending of Highwaymen. The same Reward
            and Encouragement is offer'd to any who may have been Accomplices in the said Robbery, who will moreover be intitled to
            His Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                               GEORGE SHEL VOCKE, Secretary.
                N.  B.  A  suitable Reward and Encouragement is hereby offered,  and will be given to  any Person or Persons, who
            shall apprehend a Woman, who goes or has gone by the several Names of Anne Hocks, alias Hawkswell, alias Mathews, alias
            Cameron, and pretends to be the Wife of a French  Officer. She is a Person of between Thirty and Forty Years of Age, of a
            fair  Complexion,  and  about Five  Foot Six Inches high,  somewhat  pitted with  the Small Pox,  and has  the Letters A.  H.
            prick'd  in  upon  one  of her  Hands  with  Indian  Ink  or  Gun  powder,  and  it  is  supposed  she  does  now,  or  has  lately
            accompanied Gabriel Tomkins above described.

            -- 4 6 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, December 4, 1746)

                Whereas Vincent Matthews, alias John Saffary, alias William Morris, Esq; alias Thompson, is charged with the Robbery
            of his Majesty's West Mail upon the 8th of February 1743, He is described to be a lean Man, about five  Foot seven Inches
            high, with a thin long Visage,  of a fresh Complexion, somewhat freckled about the Temples, and somewhat pitted with the
            Small-Pox,  and  with a  longish Nose,  with  a  Rising in the  Middle of it.  He is  farther  described  to be somewhat  round-
            shoulder'd, with a slender hollow Back, with thin Legs and thick Ankle Bones, and is  said to be of a mean Capacity,  and
            writes a very bad Hand, and spells very ill; he is about Thirty-five Years of Age, and is  said to have a small white Hand, to
            be slow  of Speech,  and of an effeminate  Voice,  and  to  stammer a  little  when he  speaks.  He was  formerly  a  Hackney
            Coachman, belonging to the White Hart Yard, and afterwards kept the White Hart Inn in Brook's Market, which he quitted
            about four Years ago; after that he lived in Theobald's Row, and pretended to be a Dealer in Meat, but, as is said, rode in a
            Gang of Smuglers, and since that he some Time lived at Bedford; and lastly he lived as a Person of Figure and Fortune in

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