Page 96 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 96


                 N.  B.  All Gentlemen that travel in Post-Chaises of their own, upon the Roads, where Post-Chaises are already set up
             by the Authority of this Office, may be supplied with Horses at the several Stages on those Roads at the Rate of Nine Pence
             per Mile.
                                                                               GEO. SHEL VOC:KE, Secretary.

             -- 4 4 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, July 25, 1744)

                                  Post-Chaises between London and Norwich, and London and Cambridge.

                 This  is  to  acquaint  the  Publick,  That  the  several  Post-Masters  on the  Road  between  London  and  Norwich,  and
             London and Cambridge, are ready to furnish Gentlemen or others with Post-Chaises, safe, easy, and well secured from the
             Weather,  upon  as short  a  Warning as  for  Post  Horses, at  any Hour, either  of the  Day or Night.  Gentlemen who  have
             Occasion to go Post on the above Roads, are desired to apply to Mr. Roberts, at the Black Bull in Whitechappel.
                 A Post-Chaise may be had at any of the Stages on the Norwich or Cambridge Roads, to go Part, or all the Way, for
             one or more Stages, for those who do not chuse to travel in the Night.
                 N.  B.  All Gentlemen that travel in Post-Chaises of their own, upon the Roads where Post-Chaises are already set up
             by the Authority of this Office,  may be supplied with Horses at the several Stages on those Roads,  at the Rate of Nine
             Pence per Mile.
                                                                               GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

             -- 4 4 O 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, September 14, 1744)

                 Whereas a Term of Six Months was allowed by the 19th Article of the Treaty of Utrecht, between Great Britain and
             France, for the Subjects of both Crowns, in Case of a Rupture, to withdraw their Effects out of the respective Kingdoms;
             and whereas the said Term of six Months, computing from  the Time of the Declaration of War between his  Majesty and
             the French King is now near expired; Pub lick Notice is hereby given to all Manner of Persons whom it may concern, that no
             Pacquet Boat whatsoever  will  be  permitted  to  sail  between  Dover  and  Calais  from  and  after  the 30th  of this  Instant
             September, Old Stile;  and that a  Stop will thenceforwards be put to  the  Communication and  Correspondence,  hitherto
             allowed of by Means of the said Pacquet Boats.
                                                                               GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

            -- 4 4 0 8  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, September 22, 1744)

                               Post-Chaises between London and Portsmouth, by the Way of Hartfordbridge.

                 This is to acquaint the Publick, that the several Post-Masters on the Road between London and Portsmouth, are ready
             to  furnish  Gentlemen  and  others  with  Post-Chaises,  safe,  easy,  and  well  secured  from  the  Weather,  upon  as  short  a
            Warning as for Post Horses, at any Hour, either of the Day or Night.  Gentlemen who  have Occasion to go  Post on the
             above Roads, are desired to apply to Mr. William Miller, Post-Master, at the White Bear in Piccadilly.
                 A Post-Chaise may be had at any of the Stages on the Portsmouth Road, to go Part, or all the Way, for one or more
            Stages, for those who do not chuse to travel in the Night.
                 N.  B.  All Gentlemen that travel in Post-Chaises of their own, upon the Roads, where Post-Chaises are already set up
            by the Authority of this Office, may be supplied with Horses at the several Stages on those Roads at the Rate of Nine Pence
            per Mile.
                                                                               GEO. SHEL VOCKE, Secretary.

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