Page 92 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 92


            -- 4 2 O 5  NEWS  (General Post Office, Dublin, October 14, 1742)

                WHEREAS  divers Persons, thro'  Ignorance or Carelessness, frequently put Letters into the General-Post-Office, and
            other Post Offices in the Country, directed on board of Ships, to foreign Parts, and to Scotland, without paying at the same
            Time the Postage, as ought to be done; and whereas Letters and Packets are often put into the said Offices with Money and
            Rings inclosed, and in Fraud of His Majesty's Revenue, divers Persons presume to send Letters with false and Counterfeit
                This is to acquaint the Public, that no Letters under any of the Circumstances aforesaid have any Right by Law to be
                Note, that Letters going out of Ireland (except to France,  Holland and Flanders)  have by the ancient Usage of the
            Post-Office, paid the Postage to London, as well as the foreign Postage, and are required by the Act of Parliament so to do,
            at the Office in Ireland, where the same are first put in.
                Note also,  that Letters directed to France, Holland and Flanders, are only to pay the Postage to London. and those
            directed to Scotland, the Sea-Postage between Donaghadee and Port-Patrick, which must be paid at the Office, where the
            same are first put in.
                                                                              EDWARD MARTIN.

            -- 43O1  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, January 15, 1743)  {Julian Calendar. January 15, 1742}

                                            Posr CHAISES between London and Harwich.

                This is to acquaint the Publick, that the several Postmasters on the Road between London and Harwich, are ready to
            furnish any Gentlemen, or others, with Post Chaises, safe, easy,  and well secured from the Weather, with a Lamp to give
            sufficient  Light  in  dark  Nights,  upon  as  short  Warning  as  for  Post  Horses,  at  any Hour,  either  in the  Day or Night.
            Gentlemen who have Occasion to go Post on the Essex Roads,  are desired to  apply to Mr. Roberts, Post-master, at the
            Black Bull in White Chapel.
                N.  B.  A  Post Chaise may be had at any of the Stages on the Harwich Road, to go Part or all the Way,  for  one or
            more Stages, for those that do not chuse to travel in the Night.
                                                                              GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

           -- 4 3 0 2  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, March 10, 1743)  {Julian Calendar. March 10, 1742}

                Whereas notwithstanding the publick Notice, that has been so repeatedly given by this Office, as well in the Gazette as
           in other News Papers, concerning the Foreign Postage which is to be paid here for all Letters that are to go to Gennany,
           Italy,  or any other Country beyond Holland, France,  or Flanders,  Mistakes have sometimes been made,  and Letters have
           been  delivered  at this  Office,  directed  to  those  Countries  without  paying  the  Foreign  Postage,  as  required  by Act  of
           Parliament: The Postmaster General has thought fit  to advertise, That the Postage to be paid here at this Office, or at the
           respective Receiving Houses or Offices, appointed and authorized for  the taking in of Letters in Town or Country, by all
           Persons corresponding with Gennany, Italy, or any Foreign Parts in the North or the South, by the Way of Holland, France,
           or Flanders, is after the following Rates, viz.

           Between  London  and  any  Part  of  Germany,  Italy,  Sicily,  Switzerland,  Denmark,  or  Sweden,  ...••...  Single  1s.  Od.
              and  all  Parts  of  the  North  (through  Holland)                               Double  2s.  Od.
                                                                                                Treble  3s.  Od.
                                                                                                Ounce   4s.  Od.
           Between  London  and  any  Part  of  Spain  or  Portugal  through  France,  ....••••••....•••••.....••••••.  Single  1s.  6d.
              or  by  Packet  Boats  directly.                                                  Double  3s.  Od.
                                                                                                Treble  4s.  6d.
                                                                                                Ounce   6s.  Od.

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