Page 90 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 90


                That the Post shall pass and repass every Day in the Week, (Sundays excepted) between London, Norwich and Lynn,
            and between London and Yarmouth, and all the intermediate Towns in those Roads.
                And also between London, Abingdon, Cirencester, Gloucester, Bath and Bristol, and the intermediate Places in that
            Part of the Kingdom.
                And also,  that a new Branch will then be erected for the Conveyance of Letters three Days in every Week between
            Bristol, Bath, Freshford, Bradford, Trowbridge, Melsham,  Devizes, Lavington, Westbury, Froom, Warminster, Heitsbury,
            Wilton and Salisbury.
                                                                               J. D. BARBUTI.

            -- 410 2  NEWS  (General-Post-Office, London, June 23, 1741)

                These are to give Notice, that the Post will go every Night (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge Wells, and
            from Tunbridge Wells to London, to begin Wednesday the 24th Instant, and to continue during the Summer Season.
                                                                               J. D. BARBUTI, Secretary.

            -- 4103  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, July 1, 1741)

                The Postmaster-General for the better Information of Merchants, Traders and others, have directed this Notice to be
            given,  That the Bags  for  the following  Towns  are dispatched  from  this  Office  every Night,  and the  Letters  delivered in
            Return every Day (Sundays-excepted).
            Abingdon.                Esher  in  Surry.        Lalam  in  Middlesex.     Sittingbourne.
            Attleborough  in  Norfolk.   Epsome.              Leatherhead.              Shipperton  in  Middlesex.
                                                              Littleton  in  Middlesex.   Stoke  in  Norfolk.
            Bath.                    Farringdon.              Lowstoff.                 Southall.
            Becconsfield.            Feversham.               Lynn.                     Sunbury  in  Middlesex.
            Bristol.                 Gravesend.               Maidston.                 Thame.
            Burnt wood.              Grays.                   Moulsay  in  Surry.       Thanet.
            Bury  St.  Edmonds.      Gerrards  Cross.                                   Thames  Ditton  in  Surry.
                                     Gloucester.              Newmarket.                Thetford.
            Cambridge.               Guilford.                Norwich.                  Teddington.
            Canterbury.                                                                 Twickenham.
            Claremont.               Hartford.                Oxford.
            Chatham.                 Hampton  Court.                                   Uxbridge.
            Chelmsford.              Hampton  Town.           Petersham.
            Chertsey  in  Surry.     Hanworth  in  Middlesex.   Portsmouth.            Walton  on  Thames.
            Cirencester.             Ham  in  Surry.                                   \.leybridge  in  Surry.
            Colchester.              Hamwick  in  Surry.      Queenborough.            \.lindsor.
            Croydon.                 High  \.lickham.                                  \.lingham  in  Kent.
            Cobham.                                           Richmond  in  Surry.     \.lindham  in  Norfolk.
                                     Ingateston.              Ripley.                  \.lhi tham.
            Darking.                 Isleworth.               Rochester.               \.litton  in  Middlesex.
            Dartford.                Ipswich.                 Royston.
            Deal.                                             Rumford.                 Yarmouth.
            Dover.                   Kilvedon.
                                     Kingston.                Sandwich.
            Endfield.                Kingston  \.lick.        Saxmundham.
                N.  B.  Tunbridge Bag goes every Night from Midsummer to Michaelmas only.
                Bags for  the following Towns are dispatched from  this  Office on Mondays,  Tuesdays,  Thursdays,  and Saturdays;  and
            the Letters in return are delivered Mondays,  Wednesdays,  Thursdays,  and Saturdays.

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