Page 89 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 89


         -- 4 0 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, Dublin, May 28, 1740)

              WHEREAS  Letters  Directed  to  Scotland,  and  to  Persons  on  Board Ships  are  frequently  put  into  the  Post-Office,
         without paying the proper Postage  as  directed by Act of Parliament. This is  therefore to  acquaint the Publick that such
         Letters cannot be forwarded.
                                                                            EDWARD MARTIN.

         -- 4 0 0 5  NEWS  (Dublin, June 3, 1740)

              WHEREAS on Saturday last a Letter was sent to the Post-Office in Dublin, directed, viz. "To the Officers of the Post-
         Office to direct the inclosed." This is to give Notice that the said inclosed Letter has been received, and that if the Person
         who wrote the said inclosed Letter will make out the Contents thereof, he shall receive all proper Encouragement: And he
         is desired to apply to John Power, Esq; at the Post-Office, where he will receive further Satisfaction.
                                                                            JOHN POWER.

         -- 4 0 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, June 16, 1740)

              Whereas the Post-Boy carrying the North Mail from Royston to Ware, was attacked in the Highway, between One and
         Two of the Clock last Friday Morning, the 13th Instant, on the North Side of Hamill's Park, belonging to Ralph Freeman,
         Esq; about three Miles beyond Ware, by a single Highwayman, who was a short thick Man in his  own Hair, with a brown
         great Coat,  riding a  black Horse, with  a  Star in  his  Forehead,  having  two  white  Heels behind, who  took from  him the
         Peterborough Mail, which contained the following Bags, viz. Peterborough, Boston, Louth, Horncastle, and Spalding.
              The Postmaster General thinks proper to advertise the Publick, That whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to
         be apprehended  and convicted,  the Person who  committed this  Robbery,  will be intitled to  a  Reward  of Two  Hundred
         Pounds,  besides  the  Reward given  by Act  of Parliament for  apprehending of Highwaymen;  or  if any  Person,  whether
         Accomplice in the said Robbery, or knowing thereof, shall make a Discovery, whereby the Person who committed the same
         may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will,  upon Conviction of the Party, be entituled to the same
         Reward, and also have his Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                            J. D. BARBUTT, Secretary.

         -- 4 0 0 7  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, June 27, 1740)

              These are to give  Notice, That the Post will go every Night, Sundays excepted, from London to Tunbridge Wells, and
         from Tunbridge Wells to London. To begin on Monday next, the 30th Instant, and continue during the Summer Season.
                                                                            J. D. BARBUTT, Secretary.

         -- 4 0 0 8  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, July 2, 1740)

              This  is  to  give  Notice,  That  the  Post-masters  General have  been pleased  to  order a  Bag to  be  sent  every  Night,
         (Sundays excepted) from London to Hounslow, and from Hounslow to London, during the Continuance of the Camp near
         that Place.
                                                                            J. D. BARBUTT.

         -- 4101  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, June 10, 1741)

              The Post-Master-General having consider'd, that it might be for the publick Service, if the Correspondence with some
         of the distant trading Parts of the Kingdom could by  any Means  be made more frequent,  have  digested and settled the
         following Scheme, to take Place at Midsummer next, of which they have thought fit to advertise the Publick, viz.

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