Page 97 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 97


         -- 4 4 0 9  NEWS  (General Post-Office, October 19, 1744)

             Publick Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, That the Mail for Flanders, which used to go out from this
         Office upon Monday Night, will not go out till the Tuesday Night of every Week for the Time to come, or till Orders shall
         be given to the contrary.
                                                                            GEO. SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

         -- 4 5 0 1  NEWS  (General Post-Office, June 22, 1745)
             These are to give Notice, that the Post will go  every Night, (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge-Wells, and
         from Tunbridge-Wells to London; to begin on Monday next, the 24th Instant, and to continue during the Summer Season,
         as usual.
                                                                            GEO. SHEL VOCKE, Secretary.

         -- 4 5 0 2  NEWS  (General Post-Office, August 24, 1745)

             Whereas the  Communication with Flanders, by  the Way of Ostend, is  interrupted,  and for  the  present at  an End;
         Publick Notice is hereby given to all Merchants and others whom it may concern, That as their Letters for the several Parts
         and Provinces of the Austrian Netherlands are now,  of Necessity, to be forwarded by the Way of Holland, it will be most
         proper  for  them  to  inclose  their  Letters  and  Packets,  or  recommend  them  to  such  as  may  be  their  Friends  or
         Correspondents in Holland, from  thence to be forwarded to the Places they are designed for in the Netherlands aforesaid;
         as also that it will be most safe and convenient for them, that the Answers, in Return to their said Letters, should be sent
         under Cover to Holland, to be forwarded from thence to this Office.
             But in regard to the Correspondence with the Army, all Persons are hereby to take Notice, That their Letters, directed
         for  any  Person or  Persons in  the same,  will be  received at  this  Office,  and from  hence  forwarded  to  the Army,  in the
         Manner hitherto observed, a proper Method of conveying the Army Letters directly from hence, having been settled by the
         Way of Holland, in Conformity to the Usages in regard thereto, during the Wars of King William and Queen Anne.
                                                                            GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

         -- 4 5 0 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, November 12, 1745)

             TVhereas by an Act of Parliament passed in the Ninth Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne,  intitled, An Act
         for establishing a General Post-Office for  all her Majesty's Dominions, and for  settling a Weekly Sum out of the Revenues
         thereof for  the Service of the War, and other her Majesty's Occasions, It is  (amongst other Things)  enacted to the Purport
         and Effect following: That there shall be one General Post-Office established within the City of London, and one Master of
         the said General Post-Office  shall from  time to time be appointed by her Majesty,  her Heirs and Successors, by Letters
         Patents under the Great Seal of Great Britain, by the Stile of her Majesty's Postmaster General; which said Master, and his
         Deputies, and their Servants and Agents, and no  other, should have the Receiving, Carrying, and Delivering of Letters and
         Packets, to  and from  all Places  in  Great Britain and Ireland,  North America,  the West Indies,  and  other her Majesty's
         Dominions,  (except  as  in  the  said Act  is  excepted;)  And  that  no  Person  or  Persons  whatsoever,  or  Body  Politick  or
         Corporate, in any Part of the said Kingdoms, Plantations and Colonies in the West Indies and America, other than such
         Postmaster-General appointed as aforesaid,  and his Deputy or Deputies,  or Assigns,  should presume to receive,  take up,
         order, dispatch, convey, carry, recarry,  or deliver any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters (other than as in the
         said Act is excepted) or make any Collection of Letters, or set up or employ any Foot-Post, Horse-Post, or Packet-Boat, or
         other Vessel or Boat,  or other Person or Persons,  Conveyance or Conveyances whatsoever,  for  the receiving,  taking up,
         ordering, dispatching, conveying, carrying, recarrying, or delivering any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters, by
         Sea or  Land,  or  on any  River  within  her  Majesty's  Dominions  (other  than  as  in the  said Act  is  excepted)  on  Pain of
         forfeiting Five Pounds of British Money for every several Offence,  and also the Sum of a Hundred Pounds of like Money,
         for every Week that any Offender shall continue to act against the Tenor of the said Statute.

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