Page 102 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 102


            thereabouts, a well-set Man,  of a brown Complexion, much pitted with the Small-Pox, and is much scarr'd  on the Head
            under his Wig, and has formerly been at Sea.
                 Thomas Bibbie has for some Time last past lived in Virginia-Street, Wapping, is a Cork-Cutter by Trade, but has lately
            work'd as  a Salter  at the Victualling-Office;  he is  a  Man about twenty-five  Years  of Age,  five  Feet ten Inches high,  or
            thereabouts, a thinish Man, of a fair Complexion, a sharp Nose, full Eyes, and out Mouth, the upper and lower Parts of his
            Face pretty full, but rather narrower and pinch'd in towards the upper Part of the Cheeks.
                                                                               GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

            -- 4 7 0 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, June 24, 1747)

                 These are to give Notice, that the Post will go every Night (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge Wells, and
            from Tunbridge Wells to London; to begin this Night, and to continue the Summer Season, as usual.
                                                                               GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

            -- 4 7 0 4  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, July 10, 1747)

                Whereas William Bibbie and Thomas Bibbie, the two Persons who were confined in his Majesty's Gaol of Newgate for
            the Robbery of the Chester Mail on the 22d Day of April last, did late last Night, or very early this Morning, break the said
            Goal and make their Escape, in Company with two other Persons, who were likewise Prisoners in the said Goal for Capital
                 This is therefore to give Notice, that whoever shall retake the said William Bibbie and Thomas Bibbie, or either of
            them, and bring them, or either of them, back to his Majesty's said Goal of Newgate, or any other of his Majesty's Goals or
            Places of safe Custody, so that they, or either of them, be brought to Justice for the said Offence, such Person or Persons
            will be intitled to a Reward of One Hundred Pounds, to be paid upon the retaking the said William Bibbie and Thomas
            Bibbie, or either of them, and securing them, or either of them, in his Majesty's said Goal of Newgate, or any other of his
            Majesty's Goals or Places of safe Custody, as aforesaid.
                                                                               GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.
                 N.  B.  The said William Bibbie is about Twenty eight Years of Age, about five Foot seven or eight Inches high, of a
            brown and ruddy Complexion, much pitted with the Small Pox, and scarrified on his Head under his Wig. The said Thomas
            Bibbie is about Twenty five Years of Age, about five  Foot eight Inches high, a thinnish Man, of a fair Complexion, a sharp
            Nose and wide Nostrils, full Eyes, and out-mouthed, large Cheek Bones, and thin-faced downwards, both Seafaring Men,
            and lately taken out of a Privateer at or near Bristol.

            -- 4 7 0 5  NEWS  (General Post Office, London, July 17, 1747)

                Whereas William Bibbie, one of the Person concerned in the Robbery of the Chester Mail on the 22d Day of April
            last, and who escaped out of Newgate on Friday the lOth Instant, was killed this Morning by a Fall, in attempting to get
            over some Paling into a Stone-cutters Yard in Church lane, near Whitechapel Church:
                This is to give Notice, that whoever shall apprehend Thomas Bibbie, (the other Person concerned in the said Robbery,
            and who escaped with the said William Bibbie and others) and shall bring the said Thomas Bibbie back to his Majesty's said
            Goal of Newgate, or any other of his Majesty's Goals or Places of safe Custody, so that he be brought to Justice for the said
            Offence, such Person or Persons will be intitled to a Reward of One Hundred Pounds.
                                                                               GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.
                N.  B.  The said Thomas Bibbie is about Twenty five Years of Age, about five Foot eight Inches high, a thinnish Man,
            of a  fair  Complexion,  a  sharp  Nose,  wide  Nostrils,  full  Eyes,  and  out-mouthed,  large  Cheek  Bones,  and  thin-faced

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