Page 103 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 103


          -- 4 8 0 1  NEWS  (General Post Office, June 21, 1748)

              These are to give Notice, That the Post will go every Night, (Sundays excepted) from London to Tunbridge Wells, and
          from Tunbridge Wells to London; to begin on Friday next the 24th Instant, and to continue during the Summer Season as
                                                                             GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

          -- 4 8 0 2  NEWS  (General Post Office, July 12, 1748)
              Public NOTICE is hereby given, That the Correspondence by Letters, between these Kingdoms and the Kingdom of
          France, is  now opened,  and that the first  Mail, for  the said Kingdom of France,  will be forwarded from  this  Office,  on
          Monday next, the 18th of this Instant July.
              And further Notice is hereby given, that the said Mails, for the Kingdom of France, will continue, for the future, to go
          out from hence on Monday and Thursday of every Week;  and that they will convey all Letters to and from Spain,  Italy,
          Sicily, Switzerland,  Turkey, and his Majesty's Island of Minorca, as usual heretofore in former Times of Peace.
                                                                             GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

          - 4 8 0 3  NEWS  (General Post-Office, London, December 2, 1748)

              Whereas the Post-Boy, bringing the West Mail from Andover to Basingstoke, was last Night, between the Hours of
          Seven and Eight, attacked on the Highway, about a Quarter of a Mile on this Side of a Place called Clarken Green, which is
          near Four Miles distant from  Basingstoke in the County of Southampton, by a  single Highwayman, who  carried off the
          Letters contained in the following Bags,  viz.  The two Exeter Bags, Shaftsbury,  Ashburton,  Trnro,  Barnstaple,  Launceston,
          Weymouth,  Came/ford, Bodmin, Totness, Ilchester, Dorchester, Somerton, Yeovil,  and Blandford.
              This is  to give  Notice, That whoever shall apprehend and  convict,  or cause to be apprehended  and convicted,  the
          Person who  committed this  Robbery,  of whom  no  particular  Description is  as  yet  come  to  Hand, will be intitled to  a
          Reward  of  Two  Hundred  Pounds,  over  and  above  the  Reward  given  by  Act  of  Parliament  for  apprehending  of
          Highwaymen:  Or if any Person or  Persons,  whether Accomplice in  the  said Robbery,  or knowing  thereof,  shall  make
          Discovery, whereby the Person, who committed the same, may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer or
          Discoverers will, upon Conviction of the Party, be intitled to the same Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and also have his
          Majesty's most gracious Pardon.
                                                                             GEORGE SHELVOCKE, Secretary.

          - 4 8 0 4  NEWS  (General Post-Office, December 17, 1748)

              His Majesty's Post-Master General, for  the farther Improvement of Correspondence, having been pleased to order,
          that Letters shall, for  the future,  be conveyed by the Post six Days in every Week, instead of Three Days, as at present,
          between London and Chippingnorton, Evesham, Worcester,  Broomsgrove and Binningham, with the intermediate Places, and
          that those Letters, on the three additional Post Days, shall be conveyed through OXFORD: And likewise, that Letters shall,
          for the future, be conveyed by the Post six Days in every Week, instead of three Days, as at present, between London and
          Wells, Bridgwater,  Taunton, Wellington,  Tiverton and Exeter, and that those Letters, on the three additional Post Days, shall
          be conveyed through BRISTOL.
              And the Post-Master General having also been pleased to order a new Branch to be erected between Salisbury and
          Axminster, through the Towns of Blandford,  Dorchester,  Bridport and Lyme, by which Means the Correspondence between
          London  and  those  Places,  together  with  the  Towns  of  Weymouth,  Wareham,  and  Corse-Castle,  and  also  their
          Correspondence with the Trading-Towns in Devonshire and Cornwall, as well as with Bath,  and Bristol, will be considerably
          quickened and improved.
              Publick Notice is hereby given, that these several additional Conveyances will commence upon Monday the 26th of
          this Instant  December,  at which  Time  the  present Stage  between Crewkerne  and Bridport,  together  with  that between
          Shaftsbury and Blandford, will be discontinued.

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