Page 19 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 19

***  1 7 6 0 - 1 7 6 9  (continued)  ***
          -6504   Hamburg. Domestic rates. Rates to and inside North America. &c. &c. (5 Geo 3, c25)  ....................................  108
          -6505   West Indies, Pensacola, Savanna, &c. Mail to be dispatched July llth by the "Grenville"  ..................................  109
          -6506   Tunbridge Wells, Brighthelmstone, Bromley & Sevenoaks. Summer schedule .................................................... 109
          -6507   West Indies, Pensacola, Charleston. Mail to be dispatched September 12th by the "Grantham" .......................  109
          -6508   West Indies, Florida, South Carolina. Mail to be dispatched November 14th by the "Hillsborough"  ................  109
          -6509   Isle of Man. Mail to go from Whitehaven once a fortnight. Postage rate two pence  ........................................... 109
          -6601   Barbadoes, Antigua, Jamaica, St. Christopher's, Grenada, Pensacola & Charleston. Schedule ......................... 110
          -6602   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed between Warminster and Westbury ...................................................................... 110
          -6603   Tunbridge Wells, Brighthelmstone, Bromley & Sevenoaks. Summer schedule .................................................... 110
          -6604   Winchester, Southampton & the Isle of Wight. Three additional posts ................................................................. 110
          -6701   Tunbridge Wells, Brighthelmstone, Bromley & Sevenoaks. Summer schedule .................................................... 110
          -6702   Isle of Man. Rates. Various other P.O. regulations. (7 Geo 3, cSO)  .......................................................................  111
          -6703   Mail robbery. Fraudulent practices by Thomas Walsh, a Letter Carrier in Dublin  ............................................. 112
          -6801   Members of Parliament. Free franking .......................................................................................................................  112
          -6802   Members of Parliament. Letters and packets to pass free starting March 31st  .................................................... 112
          -6803   Ireland. Improvement of correspondence for the mail to Ireland ...........................................................................  113 ·
          -6804   List of towns where a daily post has been established (1768)  .................................................................................. 113
          -6805   United States, Barbados & Leeward Islands. Schedule ............................................................................................  114
          -6806   Improvement of the post. Letter carriers to have a ticket on their chest and a printed schedule. Bellmen ...... 115
          -6901   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed of the North mail between Stamford and Coltersworth ..................................... 115
          -6902   Lost mail bags. Bags were lost or stolen near Maidenhead .....................................................................................  115
          -6903   Isle of Man. Change in schedule of the mail packets between Whitehaven and the Isle of Man .......................  116
          -6904   Stolen bill of exchange. Description of the suspect  ...................................................................................................  116

          ***  1770-1779  ***
          -7001   Fifty pounds to be given for the apprehension and conviction of mail robbers .....................................................  117
          -7002   Mail robbery. Chester mail attacked and robbed on City road  ...............................................................................  117
          -7003   Mail robbery. Chichester mail stolen between Newington and Clapham  ..............................................................  117
          -7004   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed between Newcastle and Durham ........................................................................... 117
          -7005   Mail robbery. Chester mail attacked and robbed on Fenchley Common  ..............................................................  118
          -7006   Mail robbery. Chester mail attacked and robbed at Highgate Hill ......................................................................... 118
          -7007   Seamen's letters. It is recommended to pre-pay letters sent to seamen .................................................................  118
          -7101   Mail robbery. North mail attacked and robbed near Houndsfields  ........................................................................  118
          -7102   Missing bags of letters. Tunbridge bag lost or stolen between Sevenoaks and Bromley  .....................................  119
          -7103   Mail robbery. Turnbridge mail stolen between Sevenoaks and Bromley by Wm. Lastett ................................... 119
          -7201   Salisbury. Schedule of the post from and to ...............................................................................................................  120
          -7202   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed between St. Ives and Somersham-Heath .............................................................. 121
          -7203   Lace. Importation of lace through the mail is forbidden ..........................................................................................  121
          -7301   Penny Post. Introduction of the Penny Post in Dublin. List of Receiving Houses ................................................ 121
          -7302   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed of the North mail between Stamford and Casterton ...........................................  122
          -7401   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed near Casterton ..........................................................................................................  122
          -7402   Mail robbery. Wm Harvey, Deputy Postmaster accused of stealing out of the Post Office  ................................ 123
          -7403   Mail robbery. Bags of letters stolen from the post office at Loughborough .......................................................... 123
          -7404   Members of Parliament can send their letters free starting October 20th .............................................................  123
          -7501   Mail robbery. Theodosius Kimpland, Barnstable Postmaster, suspected of stealing a bill of exchange ............ 123
          -7502   List of towns where a daily post has been established (1775)  .................................................................................. 123
          -7503   North America. After next Wednesday, there will be no regular conveyance of letters  ......................................  125
          -7504   Mail robbery. Post boy robbed between Steyning and Shoreham ...........................................................................  125
          -7505   North America. "Duke of Cumberland" to sail to North & South Carolina, Georgia, &c.on December 16 ..... 125
          -7506   North America. "Duke of Cumberland" departure delayed to December 23rd  .................................................... 126
          -7601   New York. A packet boat to leave on the first Wednesday of every month as formerly ......................................  126
          -7801   Mail robbery. Post boy attacked and robbed near York on the road to Malton ................................................... 126
          -7802   Passport are required when going to or coming from Ostend or Helvertsluys  .....................................................  126

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