Page 14 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 14

***  1710-1719  ***
            -1001   West Indies. The "Resolution" Packet boat to leave from Bristol on the 17th of May ........................................... 39
            -1002    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 39
            -1003    Elizabeth Locker tried and condemned for collecting letters illegally ...................................................................... 39
            -1004   American Colonies. Monthly correspondence from Bristol. Postal rates to New York  ........................................ 39
            -1005    New York. A packet boat will leave Bristol for New York on the 26th of October  ............................................... 39
            -1006    Establishment of a post between London and Dumfries by way of Carlisle ............................................................ 40
            -1101    West Indies. A packet boat is ready to leave from Bideford ...................................................................................... 40
            -1102    West Indies. The "Evelyn" packet boat ready to leave from Bideford on February 27th ....................................... 40
            -1103    West Indies. The "Frankland" packet boat ready to leave from Bideford on March 29th  ..................................... 40
            -1104    West Indies. The "Resolution" packet boat ready to leave from Bristol ................................................................... 40
            -1105    Letters for places distant 10 miles or above will go by General Post instead of the Penny Post  .......................... 40
            -1106    West Indies. The "Marlett" packet boats will leave from Portsmouth on July 14th ................................................ 40
            -1107    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule ..............................................................................................................................  41
            -1108    New York. The "Harley" packet boat will leave for New York on the 18th of November ..................................... 41
   -        -1201    America. The "Edgley Gally'' to sail from Bristol to New York on the lOth of February ...................................... 41
                     Ireland. The "Ann" Packet boat was taken by a French privateer on her passage to Holyhead ............................  41
            -1203    Ireland. The "Ann" Packet boat was taken by a French privateer on her passage to Holyhead ............................  41
            -1204    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 41
            -1205    France. Mail will be taken at the General Post Office for Dunkirk on Mondays &  Fridays .................................  41
            -1206    Mail robbery. Post boy robbed between Clonmel and Kilkenny ............................................................................... 42
            -1207    Mail robbery. Post boy robbed between Deptford and Southwark ........................................................................... 42
            -1301    Portugal. Letters will be taken once every other Tuesday after June 2nd ................................................................ 42
            -1302    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule ..............................................................................................................................  42
            -1303   Auction. The "Expedition" &  "Mercury'' packet boats to be on sale at the Lloyd's Coffee House July 29  .......... 42
            -1304   Auction. The "Expedition" packet boat to be on sale at the Lloyd's Coffee House August 12th  .......................... 42
            -1305   Auction. The "Queen" packet boat to be on sale at the Lloyd's Coffee House September llth ........................... 43
            -1306   Auction. The "Union" packet boat to be on sale at the Lloyd's Coffee House October 14th ................................  43
            -1307   France, Italy, Turkey, Spain &  Portugal. Mail to be forwarded by way of London, Dover &  Calais ................... 43
            -1308   France, Italy, Turkey, Spain &  Portugal. Mail to be taken on Mondays and Thursdays  ....................................... 43
            -1401   Anonymous letter. Writer requested to make himself known  ................................................................................... 43
            -1402   France &  Minorca. Mail to be taken every Monday and Thursday. Postal rates .................................................... 43
            -1403   Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 44
            -1404   Ireland &  Scotland. A  packet boat to go twice a week between Donaghadee &  Port Patrick .............................. 44
            -1501   Spain. Every other Tuesday, a mail will leave Falmouth for the Groyne, beginning March 22nd ........................ 44
            -1502   Spain. Every other Tuesday, a mail will leave Falmouth for Corunna, beginning March 29th  ............................. 44
            -1503   Spain. Every other Tuesday, a mail will leave Falmouth for the Groyne, beginning March 29th ......................... 44
            -1504   Spain, Portugal. Every other Tuesday, a mail will leave Falmouth for the Groyne ................................................  44
            -1505   General Penny Post Office to move to St. Christopher Church yard on May 26th  ................................................ 45
            -1506   Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 45
            -1507   Mail robbery. A person bringing mail was assaulted in Cheapside ...........................................................................  45
            -1508   Anonymous letter. The writer is requested to make himself known .........................................................................  45
            -1509   Anonymous letter. The writer is requested to make himself known .............................................................. : ..........  45
            -1601   Ireland. The "Grafton" and "Princess" packet boats are better than the other ones ...............................................  45
            -1602   Anonymous letter. The writer is requested to make himself known ......................................................................... 45
            -1603   Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 46
            -1604   Ireland. mail robbery. Post boy robbed between Northop and Denbigh  ................................................................. 46
            -1605   Mr. Francis Russe~ of Westminster, appointed Letter Receiver  .............................................................................. 46
            -1701   Mail robbery. Bristol and Exeter mail robbed between Turnham Green and Brentford ...................................... 46
            -1702   Anonymous letter. The writer is requested to make himself known .........................................................................  46
            -1703   Spain. End of conveyance of mail to Spain via Corunna ............................................................................................ 46
            -1704   Additional stage for carrying letters between Exeter and Holsworthy .....................................................................  47
            -1705   Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 47
            -1706   Spain & Northern Portugal. A mail will be dispatched from Falmouth every 14 days ............................. : .............  47

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