Page 12 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 12


            ***  168 0 -16 8 9  (continued)  ***
            *8705    Mail robbery. Holland mail robbed between Rochester and Harwich. Diamonds are missing ............................  18
            *8706    Post will follow His Majesty's progress during his absence from London ................................................................ 18
            *8707    Mail robbery. Diamonds stolen between Colchester and Harwich, June 25th. A follow-on .................................  19
            *8708    Mail robbery. Diamonds stolen between Colchester and Harwich, June 25th. A follow-on .................................  19
            *8709    Barbados &  Antigua. Establishment of a Post Office. Captain George Saintlo appointed Postmaster ..............  19
            *8801    Mail robbery. Post-boy robbed between Daventry and Coventry ............................................................................. 20
            *8802    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 20
            *8803    A Post will go every day from London to Salisbury and back starting November 16, 1688 ................................... 20
            *8804    A Post will go every day between London and Reading ............................................................................................. 20
            *8901    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 20
            *8902    A horse post is established between Penrith and Cockermouth and Whitehaven twice a week ........................... 20
            *8903    Mail robbery. The North Mail was robbed between Kingsland and Newington ..................................................... 20
            *8904    Mail robbery. The Chester mail was robbed near Highgate ...................................................................................... 21
            *8905    Ireland. Packet boats to go from Highlake to Belfast three times weekly. Papist rebellion over  .........................  21
            *8906    Newmarket. A Post will go there every day during His Majesty's stay there ........................................................... 21
            *8907    A Post will go from London to Leigh in Essex three times a week starting December 26th  ................................ 21

            ***  1690-1699  ***
            *9001    List of Letter Receivers at East Smithfield, Wapping, and Ratcliffe Cross  ............................................................. 23
            *9002    Conveyance of letters to Cranbourn, county of Hampshire ....................................................................................... 23
            *9003    During His Majesty's stay in England, a Post will go from London to His Majesty's residence  ........................... 23
            *9004    Scotland and Ireland. Schedule of posts  ....................................................................................................................... 23
            *9005    John Freeman appointed Letter Receiver at Highworth, Wilts. Schedule of posts ................................................ 23
            *9006    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 24
            *9007    Richard Davis appointed Letter Receiver at Montgomery. Routing of the mail .................................................... 24
            *9008    Richard Haines at Newport &  widow Rycroft at Whitchurch appointed Letter Receivers ................................... 24
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            *9009    Conveyance of letters to Oakham and Upingham in Rutlandshire ........................................................................... 24
            *9010    Thomas Whitcraft appointed Letter Receiver at Clare, Suffolk ................................................................................ 24
            *9011    Bad weather preventing packet boats from coming from Holland and Flanders  ................................................... 24
            *9012    Bad weather preventing packet boats from coming from Holland and Flanders  ................................................... 25
            *9101    Postmasters General. Appointment of Sir Robert Cotton and Thomas Frankland ............................................... 25
            *9102    Routing of various posts .................................................................................................................................................. 25
            *9103    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 25
            *9201    John Cornish appointed Letter Receiver at Southam, Warwickshire ....................................................................... 25
            *9202    A Post will go every day to the Buoy in the Nore while the fleet is there ................................................................ 25
            *9203    A Post will go every day to Portsmouth, Sundays excepted, while the fleet is there for the Summer .................. 26
            *9204    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 26
            *9301    Letters will go directly to Burton upon Trent three times a week, not via Derby as formerly .............................. 26
            *9302    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 26
            *9401    During the war, a Post will go to Sheerness every day except Sunday ...................................................................... 26
            *9402    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 26
            *9501    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 26
            *9601    Oxford. A post will go every day, Sunday excepted ..................................................................................................... 27
            *9602    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 27
            *9603    Schedule of post between Exeter and Bristol. Routing  .............................................................................................. 27
            *9604    Lancelot Plumer and William Barret appointed Letter Receivers for the port of London ................................... 27
            *9701    A Person at the George at Grays in Essex appointed Letter Receiver. Schedule of post ...................................... 27
            *9702    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 27
            *9703    Post offices set up in various towns in Kent. Schedule of post  .................................................................................. 27
            *9704    Missing bags of mail. List of Exchequer Notes ............................................................................................................ 28
            *9705    Missing mail bags containing Exchequer Notes. The three parcels have been found  ............................................  28
            *9706    A Post will go to Cambridge in the usual post days. Routing .................................................................................... 28
            *9801    Mail robbery. Exchequer notes stolen between Rumford and London ...................................................... : ............. 28

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