Page 11 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 11


         ***  16 7 0 -16 7 9  (continued)  ***
         *7806    A Post will go every day from London to Windsor during His Majesty's stay there ................................................. 8
         *7807    A Post will go every day from London and Newmarket during His Majesty's stay there  ........................................ 9
         *7808    A Post goes three times a week to Cranbrook, Biddenden, Tenderdin, Appledove, Hastings, &c ........................ 9
         *7901    Tunbrige Wells. Summer schedule .................................................................................................................................. 9   -
         *7902    A Post will go every day from London to Newmarket during His Majesty's stay there ........................................... 9
         ***  1680-1689  ***
         *8001    A Post will go every day from London to Newmarket during His Majesty's stay there ......................................... 11
         *8002    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 11
         *8101    Oxford. A Post will go to Oxford every day ..................................................................................................................  11
         *8201    List of Posts started on September 29, 1682 .................................................................................................................  11
         *8202    A Post will go every day from London to Bristol. List of letter receivers in London .............................................  11
         *8203    Dockwra. Notice of the condemnation of the founder of the London Penny Post ................................................. 11
         *8204    Government Penny Post to start Monday the llth of December  ............................................................................. 12
         *8205    Penny Post. Messengers, couriers & deliverers are bonded  ......................................................................................  12
         *8301    Newmarket. A Post will go every day while the court is there ...................................................................................  12
         *8302    Penny Post. Correspondence will go even on Easter, Whitsuntide, and other holy days ....................................... 12
         *8303    Penny Post. Correspondence will go even on Whitsuntide and other holy days  ..................................................... 12
         *8304    Ireland. Two Posts a week from London on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Three in the Summer ..............................  12
         *8305    New mail service from London ...................................................................................................................................... 13
         *8306    Correspondence to Poole from Salisbury ..................................................................................................................... 13
         *8307    List of the new mail service from London .................................................................................................................... 13
         *8308    Mr. Rawson appointed Deputy Postmaster of East Retford in Lincolnshire .......................................................... 13
         *8309    Penny Post. Correspondence picked up and delivered on Christmas and other holy days  .................................... 13
         *8401    Mr. Dunton published a book giving a false account of the Penny Post. A public confession ..............................  13
         *8402    Ice preventing packet-boats from reaching England ...................................................................................................  13
         *8403    Newmarket. A Post will go every day while the court is there ...................................................................................  14
         *8404    Penny Post. Mail will be picked up and delivered on holy days .................................................................................  14
         *8405    Penny Post. Mail will be picked up and delivered on holy days ................................................................................. 14
         *8406    Penny Post. Mail will be picked up and delivered the same day they come to London  .........................................  14
         *8407    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule .............................................................................................................................. 14
         *8408    Penny Post. List of Coffee Houses open to accept letters .......................................................................................... 14
         *8501    Penny Post. Office at Chequer Court moved to Dukes Court near St. Martin's Church ....................................... 15
         *8502    Illegal conveyance of mail. Gilbert Staunton of Kittering found guilty and assessed £380 in fines  ......................  15   -
         *8503    List of places. the Mail will go to three times a week  ..................................................................................................  15
         *8504    Reward for finding two horses stolen from Sir Thomas Wilbraham  ........................................................................  15
         *8505    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule ..............................................................................................................................  15
         *8506    A Post goes from London to Chichester ....................................................................................................................... 15
         *8507    List of new towns receiving mail three times a week .................................................................................................. 15
         *8601    A Post goes from London to Lewes, Sussex every Monday nights ............................................................................ 16
         *8602    Mail robbery. Holland mail was robbed. Foreign gold valued at more than £5,000 stolen  ...................................  16
         *8603    Mail robbery. Holland mail was robbed. Foreign gold valued at more than £5,000 stolen (continued) ..............  16
         *8604    Mail robbery. Holland mail was robbed. Richard Alborough apprehended. John Smith still at large ................  16
         *8605    List of new towns where the Post goes on Monday nights, in addition to the usual post nights  ........................... 17
         *8606    Illegal conveyance of letters. John Warren & Thomas Wooddeson condemned .................................................... 17
         *8607    Mail robbery. Holland mail. Richard Alborough, Oliver Haley & John Condon standing trial ........................... 17
         *8608    Mail robbery. Holland mail. Oliver Haley & John Condon standing trial ................................... : ........................... 17
         *8609    Postmasters are nominated by the Earl of Rochester, Postmaster General ............................................................ 17
         *8610    General Penny Post Office is moved to Star Court in Cornhill ................................................................................. 17
         *8701    England & Ireland. Letters between the two countries can be sent unpaid  ............................................................  17
         *8702    Establishment of a post to Ashby de la Zouch three times a week ...........................................................................  18
         *8703    Tunbridge Wells. Summer schedule ..............................................................................................................................  18
         *8704    Jamaica. Establishment of a Post Office. Mr. James Wales appointed Postmaster ............................................. :.  18


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