Page 251 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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           Sidebottom, J. K. The Government Dockwra 1683-1794 (Postal History Society, 1951)
           Staff, F. The Penny Post 1680-1918 (Lutterworth Press, 1964)
           Todd, T. William Dockwra and the Rest of the Undertakers (Cousland, 1952)
           W  am, I. M. Bristol 5th Clause & Penny Posts,  1793-1840 (Postal History Society, 1980)

                                                         Postage Rates
           Robinson, David for the Port & Postage of Letters (Robinson, 1990)
           Smith, A  D. The Development of Rates of Postage (George Allen & Unwin, (Quaterman reprint, 1977)
           Tabeart, C. United Ki.ngdom Letter Rates 1657-1900 Inland & Overseas (1989)

                                                        Postal Markings

           Alcock, R.C. and Holland, F.C. The Postmarks of Great Britain and Ireland. (Alcock, 1940)
           Alcock, R.C. and Holland, F.C. British Postmarks, A  Short History and Guide (Alcock, 1977)
           Brumell G. The Franking System in the Post Office: 1652-1840 (Bournemouth Guardian, 1936)
           Hendy, J. G. The History of the Early Postmarks of the British Isles (Postilion Publications, a reprint, c 1980)
           Mackay, J. A  Postmarks of England & Wales (Mackay, 1988)
                                                          Road Books

           Olgivy, D. General Itinerary of England and Wales and Part of Scotland (1804)
           Olgivy, J. & Bowen, S. Great Britain, Britannia Depicta, RoadAtlas of England & Wales (reprint, 1979)

           Auckland, B. Mileage Marks of Scotland (Scottish Postmark Group, 1965)
           Auckland, B. Postal Markings of Scotland to 1808 (1978)
           Auckland, B. Postal Markings of Scotland to 1840 (1985)
           Auckland, B. & Bonar, J. J. Penny Posts of Edinburgh and District (Scottish Postmark Group, 1972)
           Auckland, B. & Oxley, G. Penny Posts of Scotland (1978)
           Halbane, A  R. B. Three Centuries of Scottish Posts (Edinburgh University Press, 1971)
           Henderson, J. R. Post Offices in Scotland (Scottish Postmark Group, 1966)
           Hodgson, K. & Sedgewick, W. A  The Scottish Additional Halfpenny Mail Tax (2nd edition, 1984)
           Mackay, J. A  The Circular Name Stamps of Scotland (1977)
           Stitt-Dibden, W. G. The Additional Halfpenny Mail Tax 1813-1839 (Postal History Society, 1963)

                                                  Studies of a City or local Area
           Archer, M. S. The Welsh Post Towns (Phillimore &  Co., 1970)
           Calvert, C.A History of the Manchester Post Office 1625-1900 (1969)
           Fieldman, D. and Kane, W. Handbook of Irish Postal History to 1840 (Feldman, 1975)
           Hall, AW. G. The Post Office at Nottingham (John Brown, 1947)
           Rutland Local History Society, Vol. 5 Turnpikes & Royal Mail of Rutland (Spiegl Press, 1982)
           Sinfield, Lt. Cdr. C. A  The Post in Portsmouth (Portsmouth and District Philatelic Society, 1982)
           Sussex, V. J. The Norwich Post Office 1568-1980 (1980)
           Temple, J. Darlington and the Turnpike Roads (Darlington Public Library, 1971)
           Trory, E.A Postal History of Brighton, 1673-1783 (Dolphin Press, 1953)
           Ward, R. &  Leece, B. Manx Mail (Postal History Society, 1969)
           Wilcocks, R. M. &  Jay, B. The British County Catalogue Volume 1-4 (Willcocks, 1978-88)
           Yorkshire Postal History Society put out a series of 18 books well worth looking at

           Among the primary sources, the Acts of Parliament, Treasury Warrants and Post Office Notices can be studied.
           The Post Office Directories & Royal Almanacks are good sources of information. London newspapers are also useful as
           they carried the full text of the Post Office Notices.

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