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                                                          General Books
             Ashley, M.John Wildman, Plotter and Postmaster (Jonathan Cape, 1947)
             Barber, W. A  & Brown, A  F. The Royal Cypher Labels of Great Britain, Ireland & the Colonies (1988)
             Crofts, J. Packhorse,  Wagon, and Post (Routledge, Kegal Paul, 1967)
             Ellis, K. The Post Office in the Eigteenth Century (Oxford University Press, reprint 1969)
             Foxell, J. T. & Spafford, AO.Monarchs of all they Surveyed, the Story of the Post Office Surveyors (HMSO, 1952)
             Gardiner, T.A General Survey of the Post Office,  1677-1682 (Postal History Society, 1958)
             Greenwood, J. Newspapers & the Post Office,  1635-1834 (Postal History Society, 1971)
             Hopkins, A  E. Ralph Allen's Own Narrative 1720-1761 (Postal Histtory Society, 1960)
             Hyde, J. W. The Early History of the Post (Adam & Charles Black, 1894)
             Hyde, J. H. The Royal Mail (William Blackwood and Sons, 1885)
             Joyce, H.A History of the Post Office to 1836 (Richard Bentley, 1893)
             Kay, F. G. Royal Mai.I (Rockliff, 1951)
             Lewis, W. Her Majesty's Mails (Sampson Low, Son, and Martston, 1864)
             Lillywhite, B. London Coffee Houses (George Allen and Unwin, 1963)
             Robertson, AW. Post Roads, Post Towns and Postal Rates 1635-1839 (1961)
             Robinson, H. The British Post Office, a History (Princeton University Press, 1948)
             Robinson, H. Britain's Post Office. (Oxford University Press, 1953)
             Stitt-Dibden, W. G. The Post Office 1635-1720 (Postal History Society, 1960)
             Stone, J. W. M. The Inland Posts 1392-1672 (Robson Lowe, 1987)
             Tombs, R. C. The King's Post (W. C. Hemmons, 1905)

                                                         Franking System

             Brumell, G. The Franking System (1936)
             Lovegrove, J. W. ''Herewith my Frank ... " (KB Printers, 1976)
             Scott, J. G. S. Official Franking 1800-1840 (Postal History Society, 1983)

             Brumell G. The Local Posts of London 1680-1840 (Alcock, c. 1970)

                                                           Mail Coaches
             Clear, C. John Palmer, Mail Coach Pioneer (Postal History Society, 1955)
             Tristram, W. O. Coaching Days and Coaching Ways (Macmillan and Co., 1893)
             Vale, E. The Mail-Coach Men (Cassell &  Co., 1960)
             Walker, G. Haste, Post, Haste! (George G. Harrap, 1938)

             Arnell, J: C. Handbook on Transatlantic Mail (British North American Philatelic Society, 1987)
             Norway, A  H. History of the Post-Office Packet Service (Macmillan and Co., 1895)
             Robertson, AW.A History of Ship Letters of the British Isles (1970)
             Robinson, H. Carrying British Mails Overseas (New York University Press, 1964)
             Staff, F. The Transatlantic Mail (Quaterman Publications, 1979)
             Sussex, V. J. & Shelton, S.S. Continental Mail Service 1793-1815 especially by Yarmouth Packet Boat
                                          (East Anglia Postal History Study Circle, 1978)     ·

                                                            Penny Post
             Gladstone E. S. Great Britain's First Postage Stamp (Douglas and Walls, 1924)
             Oxley, G. F. English Provincial Local Post (Postal History Society, 1973)
             Pegg, R. E. F. N01folk Penny Posts (M. J. & K. C. Southall, 1976)

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