Page 245 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 245

Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. 10

          Packet or Packets shall be directed, or who is or are hereby chargeable with the Payment of the Port or Ports thereof, shall
          refuse or neglect to pay the same; and except such Letters or Packets as shall be returned for want of true Directions, or
          when the Party or Parties to whom the same is or shall be directed, cannot be found: And that I will not any Way imbezzle
          any such Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets as aforesaid."
               XLII.  And it is further enacted and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That from the said first Day of June in the
          Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eleven, one third Part of the Surplus of the Yearly Produce arising by
          the said Letter or Post Office, or Duties upon Postage of Letters and Packets by this Act granted, over and above the Sum
          of one hundred and  eleven thousand four hundred sixty-one Pounds seventeen Shillings  and ten Pence,  which was  the
          Amount of the gross Receipt of the Duties arising by virtue of the said former Acts of Parliament (which are now repealed)
          for one Year ended the nine and twentieth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ten,
          and over and above the said Sum of seven hundred pounds per Week, shall be and is by this Act reserved to the Disposal of
          Parliament for the Use of the Publick, and shall not be diverttble or diverted to any other Use, Intent or Purpose, other
          than according to such Disposal.

               XLID.  And to the Intent the Inheritance  of such Part of the said Duties and Revenue arising in and by the said
          General Letter Office or Post Office, which is hereby vested in her Majesty, her Heirs and Successors,  undeterminable as
          aforesaid,  may be preserved  in the  Crown,  for  the  future  Benefit  thereof;  Be it further  enacted  and declared  by  the
          Authority aforesaid, That the same, or any Part thereof, shall not hereafter be alienable,  chargeable or grantable by her
          Majesty, her Heirs or Successors, for any Estate, Term, or Time whatsoever, to endure longer than the Life of her Majesty,
          or  of such  King  or  Queen  as  shall  make  such  Alienation,  Charge  or  Grant  respectively;  and  that  all  Gifts,  Grants,
          Alienations, and Assurances whatsoever, to be had or made of, and Charges upon the said Duties or Revenue, or any Part
          thereof,  contrary  to  the  Provision  of this  Act,  shall  be  null  and  void,  without  any  Inquisition,  Scire  facias,  or  other
          Proceeding to determine or make void the same.

               XLIV.  And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Postmaster or Postmasters General, or his or
          their Deputy or Deputies, or any Person employed by or under him or them, in the receiving, collecting, or managing the
          Revenue of the Post Office, or any Part thereof, shall, by Word, Message, or Writing, or in any other Manner whatsoever,
          endeavour to persuade any Elector to give or dissuade any Elector from giving his Vote for the Choice of any Person to be
          a Knight of the Shire, Citizen, Burgess, or Baron of any County, City, Borough, or Cinque Port, to serve in Parliament; and
          every Officer, or other Person offending therein shall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds; one Moiety thereof to the
          Informer, the other Moiety to the Poor of the Parish where such Offence shall be committed, to be recovered by Action of
          Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any of Her Majesty's Courts of Record at Westminster, or in the Court of Exchequer in
          Scotland, for the said Offences committed in England and Scotland respectively, wherein no Essoin, Protection, or Wager
          of Law,  or  any more than  one Imparlance  shall be  allowed;  and every Person convicted  on  any such Suit  of the said
          Offence, shall thereby become disabled and incapable of ever bearing or executing any Office or Place of Trust whatsoever
          under her Majesty, her Heirs or Successors.

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