Page 240 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. 10

             respectively have on board such Vessel or Vessels, every such Master or other  Person, for every Letter or Packet of Letters
             he or they shall so deliver unto such Deputy or Deputies, shall receive the Sum of one Penny, of such Deputy or Deputies,
             he or they signing a Certificate of the Number of Letters delivered, and by what Vessel they came, and of the Time when he
             or they delivered the same to such Deputy or Deputies, and giving a Receipt for such Number of Pence as he or they shall
             receive of such Deputy or Deputies; which Certificate and Receipt shall be by such Deputy by the next Post returned to the
             said Postmaster General, together with the Letters so delivered, who shall have Credit on his Account for so much Money
             as any such Deputy shall pay on the Account.
                 XVII.  And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, or Body Politick
             or Corporate, in any Part of these Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland, or other her Majesty's Plantations and Colonies
             in the  West Indies  and America,  other than such  Postmaster General as  shall,  from  Time to Time, be nominated  and
             appointed by her Majesty,  her Heirs and Successors, and constituted by Letters  Patents under the  Great Seal  of Great
             Britain  as aforesaid,  and his Deputy and Deputies or Assigns,  shall presume to receive, take up, order, dispatch,  convey,
             carry, recarry, or deliver, any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters (other than as before excepted), or make any
             Collection of Letters, or set up or employ any Foot Post, Horse Post, or Packet Boat, or other Vessel or Boat, or other
             Person or Persons, Conveyance or Conveyances whatsoever, for the receiving,  taking up,  ordering, dispatching, conveying,
             carrying, recarrying, or delivering any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters, by Sea or by Land, or on any River,
             within her Majesty's Dominions, or by means whereof any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters, shall be collected,
             received, taken up, ordered, dispatched, conveyed, carried, recarried or delivered, by Sea or Land, or on any River, within
             her Majesty's  Dominions  (other  than as  before excepted),  or shall  presume to keep,  provide,  and maintain Horses,  or
             Furniture for the horsing of any Person or Persons riding Post, that is to say, riding several Stages upon a Post Road, and
             changing Horses, or shall let to Hire, or furnish any Person or Persons whatsoever with Horses or Furniture for riding Post
             as aforesaid, on any of the Post Roads or Stages now or hereafter to be appointed, with or without a Guide or Horn, for
             Hire or Reward, or on any Agreement or Promise of Reward, or whereby he or they may have any Profit or Advantage; on
             Pain of forfeiting the Sum of five Pounds of British Money for every several Offence against the Tenor of this present Act,
             and also the Sum of one hundred Pounds of like British  Money for  every Week that any Offender against this Act shall
             collect,  receive,  take  up,  order,  dispatch,  convey,  carry,  recarry,  or  deliver  any Letter  or Letters, Packet or Packets  of
             Letters, by Sea or Land, or on any River, within her Majesty's Dominions (other than as before excepted), or that shall
             presume to set up, continue, or employ any Foot Post, Horse Post, or Packet Boat, or other Vessel or Boat, or any other
             Person or Persons, Conveyance or Conveyances whatsoever, for the receiving,  taking up,  ordering, dispatching, conveying,
             carrying, recarrying, or delivering of any Letter or Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters, by Sea or Land, or on any River,
             within her Majesty's Dominions as aforesaid.
                 XVIll.  "And whereas divers deputy Postmasters do collect great Quantities of Post Letters called By or Way Letters,
             and by clandestine and private Agreements amongst themselves, do convey the same Post in their respective Mails, or By-
             Bags, according to their several Directions, without accounting for the same, or endorsing the same on their Bills, to the
             great Detriment of her Majesty's Revenues:" For preventing whereof for the Time to come; be it enacted by the Authority
             aforesaid, That if at any Time hereafter, any Person or Persons employed as a Deputy Postmaster or otherwise, in these
             Kingdoms of Great Britain  and Ireland,  or in any of her Majesty's Dominions and Territories in the West Indies or in North
             America, shall not duly answer and account to her Majesty, her Heirs and Successors, for all such By or Way Letters as such
             Deputy or Deputies, or any by his, her, or their Order, shall receive the Port for, or that shall not on his or her Post Bills,
             exactly mention all the By or Way Letters, he, she, or they shall or do receive, or which shall come to his, her, or their Hand
             or Hands, Custody or Power, distinguishing them severally, whether single, double, treble,  or Ounce Weight, or that shall
             destroy or embezzle any such By Letter or By Letters, Packet or Packets of Letters; every such Person so offending shall
             forfeit and pay for every such Offence, such Penalties and Forfeitures, as the Persons herein before prohibited, setting up,
             or  employing  other  Posts,  or  collecting,  carrying,  recarrying,  ordering,  dispatching,  or  delivering  Letters  and  Packets
             contrary hereunto, are enacted to forfeit and pay.
                 XIX.  And it is hereby enacted, That all and singular the said several Penalties and Forfeitures by this Act imposed on
             any Offender or Off enders against the same or any Part thereof, shall and may be sued for and recovered by Action or
             Actions of Debt,  Bill,  Plaint,  or Information,  in any  of her Majesty's  Courts  of Record,  wherein  no  Essoin,  Privilege,
             Protection, or Wager of Law shall be admitted;  and the said several and respective  Penalties and Forfeitures, that shall
             happen from Time to Time to be recovered, shall be and remain, the one Moiety thereof to her Majesty, her Heirs and
             Successors,  and  the  other Moiety thereof to such Person  or Persons  who  shall  or will  inform  against the  Offender  or
             Offenders against this present Act, and shall and will sue for the said Penalties and Forfeitures upon the same; and on every

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