Page 236 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 236

Act of 9 Queen Anne, Cap. 10

            Pence British  Money for  every Ounce Weight: And for the Port of every single Letter or Piece of Paper, from the said
            General Post Office in London unto the City of Edinburgh, in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, or from thence to
            the said General Post Office in the City of London, and to and from Dumfreys or Cockbumspeth,  and between either of
            those Places and the said City of Edinburgh, not coming from, or directed on board any Ship, six Pence; and for the like
            Port of every  double Letter,  twelve  Pence;  and so proportionably unto  the said Rates for  the Port of every Packet of
            Letters; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds, and other Things, after the Rate of two Shillings British
            Money for every Ounce Weight; and for the Port of every single Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from the chief Post Office
            in the said City of Edinburgh, to or from any Place not exceeding fifty such English  Miles distant from the said chief Post
            Office in Edinburgh, and within that Part of the Kingdom of Great Britain called Scotland, and not coming from or directed
            on board of any Ship or Vesse~ two Pence British  Money; and for the like Port of every double Letter, four Pence of like
            Money; and so proportionably to the said Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters;  and for the like Port of every
            Packet of Writs, Deeds, and other Things, after the Rate of eight Pence British Money for every Ounce Weight; and for the
            Port of every single Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from any Place above fifty such Miles distant from the said chief Office
            in Edinburgh, and not exceeding eighty such Miles, and within that Part of Great Britain  called Scotland, and not coming
            from or directed on Ship-board, three Pence; and for the like Port of every double Letter, six Pence; and so proportionably
            to the said Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds, and other
            Things, after the Rate of twelve Pence British Money for every Ounce Weight; and for the Port of every single Letter or
            Piece of Paper, to or from any Place above eighty English Miles distant from the said chief Office in Edinburgh, and within
            that Part of Great Britain  called Scotland, and not coming from or directed on Ship-board, four Pence British Money; and
            for the like Port of every double Letter, eight Pence; and so proportionably to the said Rates for the Port of every Packet of
            Letters; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds, and other Things,  after the Rate of one Shilling and four
            Pence British  Money for  every Ounce Weight: And for the Port of every single Letter or Piece of Paper, from  the said
            General Letter Office in London, unto the City of Dublin in Ireland, or from the said City of Dublin in Ireland, unto the said
            General Post Office, and not coming from or directed on board of any Ship, six Pence of British Money; and for the like
            Port of every double Letter, twelve Pence British Money; and so proportionably unto the said Rates for the Port of every
            Packet of Letters; and for the like Port  of every  other Packet  of Writs,  Deeds, and  other Things  of greater Bulk, two
            Shillings of British  Money for  every Ounce Weight;  and for the Port of such Letters or Packets as shall be conveyed  or
            carried from the chief Post Office in the said City of Dublin unto any other Place or Places within the Kingdom of Ireland,
            or from any other Place within the said Kingdom, not coming from or directed on Ship-board, according to the Rates and
            Sums of British Money hereafter following,  (viz.) For the Port of every single Letter from the Chief Post Office in the said
            City of Dublin, to or from  any Place not exceeding forty English  Miles distant from  the said chief Office in Dublin,  and
            within the said Kingdom of Ireland, not coming from or directed on Ship-board, two Pence; and for the like Port of every
            double Letter, four Pence; and so proportionably unto the said Rates for the Port of every Packet of Letters; and for the
            like Port of every other Packet of Writs, Deeds, or other Things, after the Rate of eight Pence for every Ounce Weight; and
            for the Port of every single Letter or Piece of Paper, to or from any Place above forty English Miles distant from the said
            chief Office in Dublin, and within the said Kingdom of Ireland, and not coming from  or directed on board of any Ship or
            Vesse~ four Pence; and for the like Port of every double Letter, eight Pence; and so proportionably unto the said Rates for
            the Port of every Packet of Letters; and for the like Port of every Packet of Writs, Deeds, and other Things, after the Rate
            of one Shilling and four Pence for every Ounce Weight: And for the Port of all and every the Letters and Packets of Letters
            directed on board, or fetched or brought from  on board any Ship  or Vesse~ riding  or stopping in any Port within her
            Majesty's Dominions, the Sum of one Penny, over and above the Rates granted in and by this Act: And for the Port of all
            and every the Letters and Packets passing or repassing by the Carriage called the Penny-post, established and settled within
            the Cities  of London  and Westminster,  and Borough of Southwark, and Parts adjacent,  and to be received and delivered
            within ten English  Miles distant from  the said General Letter-Office in London, one Penny: And for  the Port of all and
            every the Letters, Packets,  and  Parcels of Goods that shall be carried or conveyed to or from  any of her Majesty's said
            Dominions, to or from any other Parts or Places beyond the Seas, according to the several and respective Rates following,
            the same being rated either by the Letter or by Ounce; That is to say,
                Note of the Editor:  in the Act,  double,  treble and  ounce rates  are indicated  as being  twice,  three and four  times
            respectively the single letter rates. They are not reproduced here to save space but are easily calculated.
            All  Letters  and  Packets  coming  from  any  Part  of  France  to  London,  ••••••••••••••••••••  Single,  ten  Pence
            All  Letters  and  Packets  passing  from  London,  through  France,  to  any  Part
             of  Spain  or  Portugal  (Port  paid  to  Bayonne)  and  from  Spain  and  Portugal
             through  France,  unto  London,  ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••  Single,  one  Shilling ~ix Pence

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